Thursday, July 12, 2012

In Russia, canceled card checkup

State Duma of Russia July 13, 2012 passed in the second and third readings of the law abolishing the pass inspection and allows car owners to purchase a policy of mandatory auto insurance CTP card upon presentation of a diagnostic inspection of accredited operators. According to "Interfax", until August 1, 2015 to conclude contracts on a par with the diagnostic CTP card will be accepted and passes technical inspection of vehicles.
The approved law will come into force from the date of its official publication. In this CTP policies will be issued under the new rules, ten days after the publication of an official document of the text. The purpose of the law is approved by the simplified procedures for the technical inspection of vehicles. For example, motorists who regularly pass MOT at dealerships, certified for such work would have to have a diagnostic card which will give the dealer.
By law, the diagnostic map must include a statement of conformity or nonconformity of a vehicle safety requirements. If the card is inscribed on the possibility of the machine, it should mean and expiration date. If the map is given in the diagnostic conclusion of non-compliance vehicle safety standards, the dealer must specify a list of the identified problems. Certify the map to a technical expert who conducted the testing machine.
Diagnostic Card will be issued in two copies of written and electronic form. One copy will be issued to car owner, the second - will remain the operator inspection and electronic version - will be sent in a single automated information system of inspection. The term electronic document storage - five years. In case of loss of diagnostic card to get her car owners will be able to duplicate that of any operator inspection.
Monitor the activities of operators, inspection, according to the adopted law will be the Russian Union of Insurers.
On January 1, 2012 in Russia by force of law, passing the responsibility for the technical inspection of the public to commercial structures. In addition, in the beginning, the deputies proposed to cancel the inspection stamps. The corresponding bill passed first reading in the Duma in late April. As of April 1, 2012, inspection was carried out in Russia 3360 related items.

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