Thursday, July 12, 2012

utilization fee on the import of foreign cars

The State Duma passed the bill on the introduction of utilization fee on the import of foreign cars
The State Duma on Wednesday adopted in the second reading of the bill mainly on the introduction in Russia of utilization fee on new and used cars, reports RIA "Novosti".
Under the project, with the August 1, 2012 is supposed to charge a fee for each salvage vehicle: as imported into Russia, and produced on its territory.
An exception must make a personal car of refugees and displaced persons when they return home, the cars of diplomats and their families, vehicles which have passed since the release of more than 30 years. In addition, the collection will not be levied on vehicles that are imported from the territories of states - members of the Customs Union (Kazakhstan, and Belarus) and have the status of the goods of the Customs Union, and with the vehicle, placed under the customs procedure of customs-free zone in the Kaliningrad Special Economic Zone ( SEZ) until April 1, 2016.
As a result, the second reading from the scope of the bill was also bred and farm equipment. As explained by the first deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Industry, Vladimir Gutenev, the introduction of utilization fee in respect of agricultural machinery should be governed by a separate bill, which will be introduced in the near future. According to him, in this area will operate similar collection mechanisms.
"Recycling fee is supposed to charge when new and used vehicles, the load on the full utilization will fall on producers and importers, then there will be laid in the price of cars. Only in rare cases, the import of vehicles collected will be paid by an individual "- said Gutenev.
According to the deputy, the bill lays down the basic principles and specific dimensions of the collection will have to enter the Russian government. According to preliminary calculations of Industry and Trade Ministry and the Ministry of Economic Development, the base rate for the new passenger car can make 20-45 thousand rubles for the cargo - depending on the category - from 150 to 400 thousand rubles. RIA "Novosti"

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