Monday, July 30, 2012

Left Russia in U.S. list of countries of violating religious freedoms

Left Russia in U.S. list of countries of violating religious freedoms 
The U.S. State Department has noted improvements in religious freedom in Russia, but left in the list of countries where, according to Washington, there are problems in this area.
In its report on freedom of religion in the world in 2011, the U.S. foreign ministry said that the Russian government as a whole provided for freedom of religion, but religious minorities are still experiencing difficulties.
"The Russian Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, but some of the other laws restrict religious freedom, depriving some religious groups and the legal status of the literature relating to an extremist. In practice, the government (the Code) generally respected religious freedom, but some religious groups continued to experience difficulties. The government's actions were not intended to limit or to support religious freedom, "- says the report.
In general, the State Department noted some reduction in the threat of freedom of religion in Russia, including the use of the existing problems call the law on extremism against religious minorities, the denial of registration of religious associations, obstructing access to places of worship and denial of visas to religious workers. It is also believed in the State Department, in the absence of an official state religion of the Russian Orthodox Church and other traditional religions "are certain preferences."
Americans celebrate with a sharp decline in Russia in 2011 the number of acts of vandalism of religious intolerance.
Department of State recognizes that in 2011 the religious issues in Russia were not a source of social tensions and problems for the majority of Russian citizens, but felt that there were "some problems in relations between the majority and the minorities."
However, the State Department acknowledges that the ROC supports the "warm professional relationship" with representatives of traditional religions - Islam, Judaism and Buddhism.
"Representatives of the four traditional religions cooperate with the Church of Evangelical Pentecostal on drafting legislation on issues such as gambling, abortion, and drug trafficking ... Also the ROC, the Catholic Church, the Baptist Church and the Lutheran church and non-governmental organizations are making efforts to maintain a broad dialogue between the religious organizations and the authorities "- the report says.
But the list left
The United States left the Russian Federation in its list of countries of violating religious freedoms.
"In 2011 the Government of Bahrain, Russia, Iraq and Nigeria, in response to the actions of the groups that they believed were extremists to restrict religious freedom and formed a social intolerance. Authorities of these countries are often not separated from the terrorist activities of religious practice" - see in the State Department.
By malicious violators of religious minorities in the U.S. also carried the tradition of China, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Eritrea. Violated, according to the United States, freedom of religion in Pakistan and Indonesia, where representatives are kept in detention of non-traditional religious movements, as well as in Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.
The report also says the growth of anti-Semitism in the world. The State Department has accused of publishing anti-Semitic state-run media of Venezuela, expressed displeasure with "the broad anti-Israel sentiment" in the Egyptian press, and also noted the growth of anti-Semitism in France, Hungary, the Netherlands and Ukraine.
At the same time, says the American Foreign Ministry, the situation is improving religious freedom in countries where the came to power backed by Washington opposition. Among those states with "expanding freedom of religion," the State Department saw Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Burma.

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