Thursday, July 12, 2012

Five ways to find out what you are lying

Five ways to find out what you are lying
British scientists have disproved the well-known opinion that give his eyes a liar, writes Daily Mail. The experiment was conducted among volunteers, showed that between a lie and eye movements, there is no relationship. At the same time, scientists were able to identify five signs that indicate that the source is not fully honest with you.
Detectives able to expose the liar on the situation in his eyes - a myth. This conclusion was reached by researchers from the Universities of Edinburgh and Hertfordshire. They spent videoeksperimenty by dividing the volunteers into two groups. Participants first recorded on camera when they were telling the truth and lied. The second group of volunteers was asked to look at these entries and try to detect lies by observing eye movements.
The results showed that the experts were wrong. Researchers found no relationship between the false and the position of the eye, but could find five signs that a person is lying.
The rare use of the words "I", "mine", "me." Liars make up stories that never happened, and therefore tend to reduce the number of references to itself. Pay attention to any sudden reduction in personal pronouns.
Without movement. Difficult to cheat, so people tend not to move when they are focused on something. Be careful if a person suddenly becomes very quiet.
Indecision. Liars are much more hesitant than the people who speak the truth, and tend to get confused in words. Make sure that a man is wrong.
A sudden pause. Deceivers often have to think about what they will say before they speak. Be careful if someone suddenly pauses in the middle of his speech, or before starting to answer the question.
Touches. Liars tend to move his hands more than usual. Be careful if someone suddenly begins to cover your mouth or touching the hair, when the talks.

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