Thursday, July 12, 2012

Social network Google+

Social network Google+, which in the past month celebrated her first birthday, launches an application for a tablet iPad, according to a corporate blog Google.

Google+ for the iPad was first announced on the developer conference, Google I/O at the end of June - simultaneously with the launch of a mobile application sotsseti for the tablet on the basis of platform Android. According to the developers, the interface of Google+ for iPad is more intuitive and tailored to the features of the device.

The program provides several functions to work with the content with the touch screen tablet - for example, the possibility of using the touch two fingers "drag" an interesting entry from the news and share it with your subscribers. The user can start видеовстречу (Hangout) with the iPad and broadcast it on television with the help of technology Airplay.

Let's remind, that the main competitor of Google+ social network Facebook launched the official iPad-application in October 2011 - after more than one and a half years after the appearance on the market of the first iPad. The application for the iPad sotsseti LinkedIn was launched only in April of the current year.

Along with adaptation to the tablet iPad, the new version of iOS-Google+ 3.0 are available a number of updates for smartphone Apple iPhone. Users of both devices on a platform of iOS can now create and edit the "Events" (Google Events), by adding comments and photos, as well as looking at the list of participants.

As the iPad and iPhone support the possibility of holding as video meetings on Google+. To видеочату you can attract up to nine people. If the user has noted the setting, the application will alert him, when someone from the friends will join the meeting, or call the participants of the chat with a reminder.

Mobile version of Google+ 3.0, which can be set as the owners of the iPad, and the owners of the iPhone, available at the Apple online store App Store for free.

Social network Google+ currently comprises 250 million registered users. The monthly audience of sotsseti Google+ is 150 million people, and every day on its site visit 75 million users.

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