Thursday, July 12, 2012

scandal because of the dress uniform for the national Olympic

/ Itar-Tass Kirsanov /. A major scandal because of the dress uniform for the national Olympic team produced in China, broke out in the U.S.. On Thursday, this uniform, in which U.S. athletes will wear at the July 27 opening ceremony of the Summer Olympic Games in London, was presented in a TV company CNN-BBC. A few hours in Washington seething with serious passion about what the designer and producer - famous American design house, owned by Ralph Lauren - organized its manufacturing in China.
It was found by journalists is another channel - ABC, BBC, are found on the labels form, seasoned in the colors of the national flag of the United States - the inscription "Made in China".
The greatest outrage, this fact has caused the leadership and members of the U.S. Congress. "National Olympic Committee / YUSOK / should be ashamed. I think they need to collect all of this form, fold it into one big pile and burn it and start all over again," - said on this occasion, leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, Congress, by Gary Reed.
In a similar vein, spoke and Speaker of the House of Representatives, representing the opposition Republican Party, John Boehner, who is the third most important position in the U.S. state hierarchy.
U.S. Olympians to 'wear the uniform, made in America, "said the leader of the Democratic minority in the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi.
In turn, Senators Sherrod Brown and Kirsten Dzhillibrand sent letters of complaint to address the production of ceremonial uniforms and output in China. In the same way he entered Congressman Steve Israel. According to them, in the current difficult economic climate, to give orders for this form of the foreign manufacturer "is not just outrageous, but it is absolutely stupid."
Meanwhile, YUSOK criticism firmly rejected. "Unlike most Olympic teams in the world, the U.S. is funded privately. We are grateful to our sponsors for their support. We are proud to partner with the famous American company Ralph Lauren and look forward to performances of the best American athletes at the upcoming Olympic Games in London," - said Committee spokesman Patrick Sandusky. He noted that the company Ralph Lauren "financially supports the U.S. team."

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