Thursday, August 30, 2012

Putin predicted unexpected fate

Putin predicted unexpected fate

On Thursday, the director of the Moscow Institute of Globalization Delyagin held a press conference with a rather long title "Towards a new political season: the liberal clan went on the warpath - the answer Putin?".
According to the previous (winter) is projected to respond with anything and would not have had in December last year, at a press conference with Delyagin stated that his presidency will end this fall. And very badly - the head of the Russian president had to bring "to the U.S. election on a silver platter."
But the Americans did not work - they are permanently stuck in Libya embroiled in diplomatic dance around Syria, and now it would be good if the election brought the head of al-Assad. And Navalny, on which, according to Delyagin banked Americans and did not grow up in a real presidential candidate. "We have not increased," - says Delyagin. In general, he said, the government today is trying to be "bloody clowns", while the opposition - just clowns.
Despite the clowning, says the analyst, the liberal movement will grow and spread, involving protests masses. Delyagin sure barricade activity has slowed down - just that she was on vacation and in September will know about yourself ambitious actions.
Further events, according to Delyagin, will develop unexpectedly masses finally "see the true face of the liberal opposition in horror from her shrink." And as the new leaders in the next few years is not expected, people will have no choice but to cling to Putin and weep with remorse on his chest.
But while Putin's position is quite sad - to begin to serve the people, not the bureaucracy, it must first of all get rid of the friends of the corrupt. However, to take friends in a heightened political struggle unreasonable. In addition, states Delyagin, Putin can not really rely even on the siloviki - Medvedev for the presidency had to place liberals on several key positions. Called by the names of the liberal politician security officials refused, saying that they are already known to all. Why Putin does not change them, for it is also quite clear - not change for anyone, all the friends of Peter's long gone. Moreover, the change team is expensive - "every new person - a new purse."
Next Delyagin continued to abuse the opposition, separately the Chirikova nomination for mayor of Khimki. According to him, threw her elders - say, she wants to let herself and swam. "And then suddenly we pouchastvuem in the campaign, and it will fail, and it will be non-kosher", - explained the director about the Institute of Globalization considerations opposition. The very same Chirikov, in his opinion, the mayor does not suit - if only because it did not rule anything except his country house. However, in Russia, as we know, even the cook can govern.

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