What comes after Syria?
Yesterday it was reported that Syria abandoned British special forces unit, supposedly to "search for chemical weapons", in fact - for an expanded invasion. Syria decided to kill by any means, she was discharged sentence. If Syria will stand, it would be a miracle, but this is what I wish her all my heart.
In that case, if Damascus falls, Syria will be destroyed as a political entity, and it will turn it into a base for the fight against Iran, Libya has now become a training camp for militants pelted to the Syrian border.
At the moment, the Americans have discovered the so-called developing the project "South Azerbaijan", that is the plan of destabilization north-western Iran, populated by Azerbaijanis (who lives in the Islamic Republic than in Azerbaijan, rather - in the former Azerbaijani SSR).
Already being actively "work" with Azerbaijan, which is "oriented" to "reunion territories." Recently, even in the Azerbaijani parliament's intention to rename the sound republic in northern Azerbaijan, that is right to point out that there is another, South Azerbaijan. In Baku structure incorporated many agents of influence, hate Iran.
And at the same time, Israel literally floods the Azerbaijani army weapons, arms it accelerated pace - not counting those weapons that Baku has traditionally bought in Russia.
Americans are by all means draw Baku in future conflict, promising Azerbaijan huge area in the south, which, after the dismemberment of Iran and to "reconnect with the independent Azerbaijan."
So, if Syria falls, after a few months, will include in western Iran announced "oppressed groups and protesters," the name of which, of course, will be performing armed insurgents. Against them, of course, would have been applied restraints. Ahmadinejad, like any other head of state, who turned in his place, try to extinguish the "hearth" or "hot spots," but, of course, it will provoke further, expanding the "conflict", adding to it. Etog around the world, and most importantly - the Azeri press, will be deployed terrible hysteria, which will focus on the "abuse of peaceful Azerbaijanis." The next step will be an incident at the Iranian-Azerbaijani border, which will grow into something more (Americans will help it grow), and here it will go to the course and Israeli weapons, and the old Soviet and new Russian who is armed to the teeth is now Azerbaijan.
Against Iran will start two wars at once: one with aircraft carriers, was carried out by another "coalition" and the other "cannon fodder" from the mountains, with sets on Iran Azeris.
Of course, the main purpose of this scale provocation would destabilize the entire macro-region, and the main target will be Russia. Against her in Washington strategists all clearly spelled out. Russia embroiled in a "conflict" under the inclusion of official Baku in a war against Iran.
Russia, like China, like any sane person in this world, of course, will be against the war and against the invasion of Iran, as Western forces and the "liberators" of Azerbaijan. A world press focused on the Azerbaijanis will inflate theme of betrayal Russia Azerbaijani interests rather direct support oppression of Azerbaijanis in Iran. Russia will be demonized (like now), but the game will have a different, will beat Russia itself. Everything will be done according to the scenario of destabilization of the Russian cities, almost all of which, as we know, there are Azerbaijani Diaspora.
As soon as the anti-Russian hysteria will be deployed as soon as the Azeris are against Russian Americans immediately paid off several major terrorist attacks in Russian cities, which, of course, will be made on behalf of the Azerbaijanis. Although already Azerbaijani youth, not realizing that it is used and put at risk, boil become embittered and, willy-nilly, will provoke a clash with Russian youth. The situation in Russia will be a big trouble to smell.
In the North Caucasus, in the meantime, re-activate the "Chechen issue," possibly "Circassian" and all the other things that can be activated.
The escalation of the conflict in South Azerbaijan will only increase, because it can start and end with something she can not, probably never. It will be infinitely bleeding problem, like Gaza, Palestine or sleep now, but also very patient-Karabakh, the fate of which will also be called into question (although, to my knowledge, the Americans promised Azerbaijan vast southern territory in exchange for recognition of Karabakh, because if the United States will achieve this themselves, without the participation of Russia, the hope that Armenia will turn away from Moscow, will come out of Russian integration projects and will focus on Washington, as well as Georgia).
On the "European front," Americans will hit Greece, there will be economic means to act and subversive propaganda. Greece from the euro zone will drag on output, also activate the raising of the Spanish problem. In general, long-prepared blow mine, rounding out the overall process of destabilization of Eurasia. Germany will have to gradually hand over his "unfinished empire" - however, it is not the first time.
As American strategists, Eurasia should be turned into one big Bosnia, which nothing can vyaknut, no matter what influence can not and does not respond when you start point.
And the main point will default on U.S. debt, or something else, a different scenario, which will decide to crank Americans to once cut the "Gordian knot", or move the problem to a nightmarish debt indefinitely distant period. I do not know what exactly they plotted against their deplorable financial affairs. Maybe just start hyperinflation, clear your debts and write off all the "villains that have undermined international stability." Not ruled out other options. The main thing: Americans want to turn the contraption fraud under the guise of a big war and prevent law-care in the second echelon.
In any event, the war in South Azerbaijan, which should be inclusive of all, including China, the role of which is, of course, can not yet be clear, creating lots and lots of smoke, which should be a disguise for a decision on the U.S. public debt, threatens to sink the "empire of goods" if it does not unleash a major war on foreign soil, as in the forties. The outbreak of war is already under way.
But Russia is not bode well for our country - one of the main goals. Iran to Americans - a small change, they do not know that this is a unique power with millennia of ancient traditions, that is a world that is fraught with mystery. They did not take seriously this Iran, they think that the Persians did not avenge themselves, and only utrut as Iraqis swallow humiliation. But, most of all, the Americans are wrong. Revenge will follow, although asymmetric. Perhaps, in the States themselves will begin a wave of terrorism (who knows, maybe the Iranians have taken care of this and introduced the "sleeping snipers", send them with an escaped dissidents).
That could prove a big chaos, global, which overrides everything that might strike in the case of the negative "default scenario" that is, the economic collapse of the United States, to which you are now and where Americans want to escape, knocking her trouble with the patient on its head.
There is a version that started, the Azerbaijani-Iranian conflict could drown or be not as large as that in Washington want (and this is a good option for us.) But the probability is low. Most likely, since much can plunge Syria into chaos, and Iran will ignite, plunging it into Azerbaijan.
The most curious thing is that Putin is likely to understand all this perfectly. Although it expects to minimize the damage to yourself, thinking it would be possible to sit in the side, or at least be involved in the process only partially. But Putin has almost passed Gabala, and if nothing changes in the next few months, Russia in December, will leave the Gabala (the radar in Azerbaijan, about the same Americans want to build in Poland and the Czech Republic, they want a new building, near the borders of Russia, and Putin already existing leases). Though, most of all, he can not pass, the U.S. pressure is enormous, Americans squeeze Russia. More precisely - Baku does it exactly the will of the "Washington Regional Committee."
Perhaps going from Azerbaijan, Putin comes cleverly minimizing the Russian presence in the region, which Americans elected new ground for slaughter. But any surrender - is a shame. Once Churchill said, "We had a choice - war or dishonor, we chose dishonor and get war." He said these words, when the West surrendered Czechoslovakia to Hitler.
Russia has now also had a choice - to give Libya to the wolves, or fight for its security and integrity. Russia has handed over to Libya. Hitler's role at the moment kindly took the "Western democracy."
Russia backs now, Russia retreats tushuetsya Russia, many in the Moscow offices seems that nothing else can take now.
But the key lies in the hands of China, as it is strange. If the Chinese want to, they can bring down the economic stability of the United States in exchange for a few sessions, and then the whole story of the present day is going in the opposite direction and you will be under a different vytantsovyvatsya accompaniment. America is very vulnerable as ever vulnerable. But she, like crazed criminal, goes to all new and new aggravation of the situation, hoping to win and go unpunished.
But while the Chinese are silent, they do not manifest themselves until everything goes according to the American scenario, the active is approaching Russian borders. Maybe the Chinese and will not do anything against American policies, arguing that they are more favorable to refrain from taking any steps.
I described the most likely scenario of a new war, and its development will not now unpredictable. Russia, in accordance with the model plan to blow up from the inside, this time using a multi-million Azerbaijani diaspora, new wave of large-scale terrorism, and all other factors that could find.
More than anything, I would like to see this event prediction proved wrong. The more wrong it is, the better it will be over and above all my country. Moreover, Syria - are still not played card, Syrians are fighting like a warrior, it's hard not to be impressed by them. Syria now - this is a new Vietnam, and if the U.S. and its satellites will lose in Syria, Eurasia will have a chance to avoid a major war. If the Americans and their cronies to achieve their objectives, Eurasia will cover the endless wave spread terror and instability, creeping wave of chaos.
So far, so it is to this, and yesterday's landing of British troops in Syria - the first signs of the new reshuffle, which, almost without hiding discussed in Washington.
Plan entitled "Southern Azerbaijan" started. The only question is exactly how it is implemented?
Maxim Akimov
Yesterday it was reported that Syria abandoned British special forces unit, supposedly to "search for chemical weapons", in fact - for an expanded invasion. Syria decided to kill by any means, she was discharged sentence. If Syria will stand, it would be a miracle, but this is what I wish her all my heart.
In that case, if Damascus falls, Syria will be destroyed as a political entity, and it will turn it into a base for the fight against Iran, Libya has now become a training camp for militants pelted to the Syrian border.
At the moment, the Americans have discovered the so-called developing the project "South Azerbaijan", that is the plan of destabilization north-western Iran, populated by Azerbaijanis (who lives in the Islamic Republic than in Azerbaijan, rather - in the former Azerbaijani SSR).
Already being actively "work" with Azerbaijan, which is "oriented" to "reunion territories." Recently, even in the Azerbaijani parliament's intention to rename the sound republic in northern Azerbaijan, that is right to point out that there is another, South Azerbaijan. In Baku structure incorporated many agents of influence, hate Iran.
And at the same time, Israel literally floods the Azerbaijani army weapons, arms it accelerated pace - not counting those weapons that Baku has traditionally bought in Russia.
Americans are by all means draw Baku in future conflict, promising Azerbaijan huge area in the south, which, after the dismemberment of Iran and to "reconnect with the independent Azerbaijan."
So, if Syria falls, after a few months, will include in western Iran announced "oppressed groups and protesters," the name of which, of course, will be performing armed insurgents. Against them, of course, would have been applied restraints. Ahmadinejad, like any other head of state, who turned in his place, try to extinguish the "hearth" or "hot spots," but, of course, it will provoke further, expanding the "conflict", adding to it. Etog around the world, and most importantly - the Azeri press, will be deployed terrible hysteria, which will focus on the "abuse of peaceful Azerbaijanis." The next step will be an incident at the Iranian-Azerbaijani border, which will grow into something more (Americans will help it grow), and here it will go to the course and Israeli weapons, and the old Soviet and new Russian who is armed to the teeth is now Azerbaijan.
Against Iran will start two wars at once: one with aircraft carriers, was carried out by another "coalition" and the other "cannon fodder" from the mountains, with sets on Iran Azeris.
Of course, the main purpose of this scale provocation would destabilize the entire macro-region, and the main target will be Russia. Against her in Washington strategists all clearly spelled out. Russia embroiled in a "conflict" under the inclusion of official Baku in a war against Iran.
Russia, like China, like any sane person in this world, of course, will be against the war and against the invasion of Iran, as Western forces and the "liberators" of Azerbaijan. A world press focused on the Azerbaijanis will inflate theme of betrayal Russia Azerbaijani interests rather direct support oppression of Azerbaijanis in Iran. Russia will be demonized (like now), but the game will have a different, will beat Russia itself. Everything will be done according to the scenario of destabilization of the Russian cities, almost all of which, as we know, there are Azerbaijani Diaspora.
As soon as the anti-Russian hysteria will be deployed as soon as the Azeris are against Russian Americans immediately paid off several major terrorist attacks in Russian cities, which, of course, will be made on behalf of the Azerbaijanis. Although already Azerbaijani youth, not realizing that it is used and put at risk, boil become embittered and, willy-nilly, will provoke a clash with Russian youth. The situation in Russia will be a big trouble to smell.
In the North Caucasus, in the meantime, re-activate the "Chechen issue," possibly "Circassian" and all the other things that can be activated.
The escalation of the conflict in South Azerbaijan will only increase, because it can start and end with something she can not, probably never. It will be infinitely bleeding problem, like Gaza, Palestine or sleep now, but also very patient-Karabakh, the fate of which will also be called into question (although, to my knowledge, the Americans promised Azerbaijan vast southern territory in exchange for recognition of Karabakh, because if the United States will achieve this themselves, without the participation of Russia, the hope that Armenia will turn away from Moscow, will come out of Russian integration projects and will focus on Washington, as well as Georgia).
On the "European front," Americans will hit Greece, there will be economic means to act and subversive propaganda. Greece from the euro zone will drag on output, also activate the raising of the Spanish problem. In general, long-prepared blow mine, rounding out the overall process of destabilization of Eurasia. Germany will have to gradually hand over his "unfinished empire" - however, it is not the first time.
As American strategists, Eurasia should be turned into one big Bosnia, which nothing can vyaknut, no matter what influence can not and does not respond when you start point.
And the main point will default on U.S. debt, or something else, a different scenario, which will decide to crank Americans to once cut the "Gordian knot", or move the problem to a nightmarish debt indefinitely distant period. I do not know what exactly they plotted against their deplorable financial affairs. Maybe just start hyperinflation, clear your debts and write off all the "villains that have undermined international stability." Not ruled out other options. The main thing: Americans want to turn the contraption fraud under the guise of a big war and prevent law-care in the second echelon.
In any event, the war in South Azerbaijan, which should be inclusive of all, including China, the role of which is, of course, can not yet be clear, creating lots and lots of smoke, which should be a disguise for a decision on the U.S. public debt, threatens to sink the "empire of goods" if it does not unleash a major war on foreign soil, as in the forties. The outbreak of war is already under way.
But Russia is not bode well for our country - one of the main goals. Iran to Americans - a small change, they do not know that this is a unique power with millennia of ancient traditions, that is a world that is fraught with mystery. They did not take seriously this Iran, they think that the Persians did not avenge themselves, and only utrut as Iraqis swallow humiliation. But, most of all, the Americans are wrong. Revenge will follow, although asymmetric. Perhaps, in the States themselves will begin a wave of terrorism (who knows, maybe the Iranians have taken care of this and introduced the "sleeping snipers", send them with an escaped dissidents).
That could prove a big chaos, global, which overrides everything that might strike in the case of the negative "default scenario" that is, the economic collapse of the United States, to which you are now and where Americans want to escape, knocking her trouble with the patient on its head.
There is a version that started, the Azerbaijani-Iranian conflict could drown or be not as large as that in Washington want (and this is a good option for us.) But the probability is low. Most likely, since much can plunge Syria into chaos, and Iran will ignite, plunging it into Azerbaijan.
The most curious thing is that Putin is likely to understand all this perfectly. Although it expects to minimize the damage to yourself, thinking it would be possible to sit in the side, or at least be involved in the process only partially. But Putin has almost passed Gabala, and if nothing changes in the next few months, Russia in December, will leave the Gabala (the radar in Azerbaijan, about the same Americans want to build in Poland and the Czech Republic, they want a new building, near the borders of Russia, and Putin already existing leases). Though, most of all, he can not pass, the U.S. pressure is enormous, Americans squeeze Russia. More precisely - Baku does it exactly the will of the "Washington Regional Committee."
Perhaps going from Azerbaijan, Putin comes cleverly minimizing the Russian presence in the region, which Americans elected new ground for slaughter. But any surrender - is a shame. Once Churchill said, "We had a choice - war or dishonor, we chose dishonor and get war." He said these words, when the West surrendered Czechoslovakia to Hitler.
Russia has now also had a choice - to give Libya to the wolves, or fight for its security and integrity. Russia has handed over to Libya. Hitler's role at the moment kindly took the "Western democracy."
Russia backs now, Russia retreats tushuetsya Russia, many in the Moscow offices seems that nothing else can take now.
But the key lies in the hands of China, as it is strange. If the Chinese want to, they can bring down the economic stability of the United States in exchange for a few sessions, and then the whole story of the present day is going in the opposite direction and you will be under a different vytantsovyvatsya accompaniment. America is very vulnerable as ever vulnerable. But she, like crazed criminal, goes to all new and new aggravation of the situation, hoping to win and go unpunished.
But while the Chinese are silent, they do not manifest themselves until everything goes according to the American scenario, the active is approaching Russian borders. Maybe the Chinese and will not do anything against American policies, arguing that they are more favorable to refrain from taking any steps.
I described the most likely scenario of a new war, and its development will not now unpredictable. Russia, in accordance with the model plan to blow up from the inside, this time using a multi-million Azerbaijani diaspora, new wave of large-scale terrorism, and all other factors that could find.
More than anything, I would like to see this event prediction proved wrong. The more wrong it is, the better it will be over and above all my country. Moreover, Syria - are still not played card, Syrians are fighting like a warrior, it's hard not to be impressed by them. Syria now - this is a new Vietnam, and if the U.S. and its satellites will lose in Syria, Eurasia will have a chance to avoid a major war. If the Americans and their cronies to achieve their objectives, Eurasia will cover the endless wave spread terror and instability, creeping wave of chaos.
So far, so it is to this, and yesterday's landing of British troops in Syria - the first signs of the new reshuffle, which, almost without hiding discussed in Washington.
Plan entitled "Southern Azerbaijan" started. The only question is exactly how it is implemented?
Maxim Akimov