Friday, November 30, 2012

Porn actress puzzled scientists

Porn actress puzzled scientists
Scientists refute stereotypes about adult film actresses
U.S. scientists have refuted stereotypes of actresses from adult films. Stars erotic industry compared with other women, results showed that the first are as good as the last and even surpass them in psychological terms, writes Daily Mail.
There is a stereotype of the inhabitants, called scientists' hypothesis of the corrupted product, "in which porn actress usually are women with psychological problems, drug abuse and a child had been sexually abused.
However, in a large study, researchers found that a stereotype is not true. Employees of the University of Pennsylvania, Texas Women's University and other research organizations in the U.S. brought to the experiment 177 actresses movies for adults aged 18-50 years, average service record in the porn industry was 3.5 years.
These actresses were compared with women in other professions, but with a similar income and about the same age. As a result, scientists have come to the conclusion that self Pornstars higher than "normal" women. They are optimistic about the world, they are supported by friends and family, in addition, these women are usually satisfied with their sex lives.
In particular, the researchers found that the porn actress more religious than women of other professions, the quality of life of the adult film stars above. Almost 70% of the adult industry workers said they are satisfied with their sex lives. Among women, the same indicator of other professions - only 33%.
In addition, the porn actress had more sexual partners, they have a sexual life is usually used to give that are not the juicy industry. In addition, among the stars of adult films often get bisexual than among average women.
It should be noted that society's view porn star, as people who abuse drugs, partially confirmed. Scientists have found that erotic actresses usually take more psychoactive drugs than other professional ladies - on average, they have tried about 10 different illicit substances.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Scientists have described how a woman subordinate to his will

Scientists have described how a woman subordinate to his will
Psychologists have found out how to manipulate a woman
Spanish scientists have figured out how a man can manipulate a woman: for this it is enough just smile at her. The thing is that the ladies are more inclined to rely on body language rather than verbal means of communication, writes Daily Mail.
This conclusion, psychologists from the University of Granada in Spain, after a series of experiments in which figured out how to smile affects men treat them women.
In one test a man played a leading role - gave women instructions. As it turned out, the ladies were much more inclined to listen to him, if the participant experiment smiled at them.
Location smiling women of boys did not disappear even after the test to make any sexist statements. Therefore, psychologists, and speculated that the women willingly submit to them smiling man, even if he does not speak at all the nice words.
Expert on body language Patty Wood explains that women tend to believe more non-verbal communication - body movements, facial expressions, gestures, rather than words.
"And even if there is a mismatch between what a man says and what expresses his body, she will pay more attention to body language," - says P.Vud. And if a man smiles, the lady will be more inclined to it, in spite of his words.
Judge gives some advice for women who do not want men to manipulate them with their smiles. First, the ladies should be clearly understood that they need from a particular man. Second, they do not have to look him in the eye and do not smile too much.
P.Vud explains that smile puts women in a dependent position in relation to the interlocutor. "If you smile when you are making an important statement, it deprives your words weight", - the expert adds.
She also advises women to better control their behavior in general and do not pay attention to the body language of men.

Europe is cracking

Europe is cracking
European separatism: The Old World is bursting at the seams
Very hard to imagine a large apartment building, which would be all they lived in harmony. There are always reasons for recriminations and disagreements that keep residents trust each other and are pushing for new disputes and claims.
Sometimes even within the same family may have a situation. And it only gets worse, if the age-old resentments suddenly imposed problems that are somehow connected with the lack of money and the subsequent financial difficulties. Similarly, today's Europe stirs economic separatism - a phenomenon that undermines the integrity of the Old World.
Many countries in the European Union, made up of regions that differ from the rest of the state in language, culture and level of economic development. And for many centuries these territories showed separatist tendencies. Among such "hot spots" of Europe in the UK highlighted Scotland, Catalonia and the Basque country in Spain, Flanders in Belgium, and northern Italy. Separatist sentiment is still there in these regions, even in the first half of the 2000s., When the economy of Western Europe grew rapidly. Today, when Europe was swept over the financial crisis, the separatists of the Old World are using the circumstances to achieve the long-desired goal, that is, to form a new map of the state.
Oil path to independence for Scotland
There is no doubt that on 15 October 2012. has become one of the most important dates in the recent history of the UK. That same day, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom David Cameron and Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond signed on in 2014. a referendum on Scottish independence. Thus, the Scottish nationalists embarked on her original dream "separatist dreams." "Do I believe that we will achieve independence? Yeah, I do. I think we'll get it, presenting a positive view of the future of our country - both economically and socially," - said Salmond after the signing of the fateful contract.
In an attempt to persuade the Scots to vote in a referendum for independence nationalists to focus on the fact that, coming from the UK, Scotland can independently dispose of the natural resources that today she has to share with the center. It first comes to oil and gas in the North Sea, which just extract the Scottish shelf. Economic independence from the British nationalists are hoping to support and by high-tech enterprises, located in the local "Silicon Valley." Still, the current situation in the UK in general and Scotland in particular, suggests that the words Salmond of faith in the independence of the northern-most part of Britain - more political self-confidence.
The main argument in favor of retaining the familiar device of Great Britain - the desire to remain part of the Scots themselves the United Kingdom. The very next day after the signing of the agreement of October survey conducted by a British newspaper, showed that 58% of Scots are against the independence of their country, while supporting 30% yield. And the number of opponents out of Scotland from the United Kingdom since the early years is increasing.
The second major obstacle to implementation of the plan nationalists looms just an economic issue. Although Salmond and hopes for a significant increase in the welfare of Scots at the outlet of the UK by the resources of the North Sea, to believe in it with difficulty. Yes, from 80% to 90% of the funding that the center receives due hydrocarbons will remain in the budget of Scotland. However, as a senior fellow at the Center for British Studies, Institute of Europe RAS Elena Anan, North Sea oil reserves will last only 40 years, and Britain without Scotland will be one on one with the vibrations of the oil market.
In the case of separation from the United Kingdom Edinburgh will have to take and pay a substantial part of the UK national debt (about 80 billion British pounds). Scotland also may have to do the privatization of troubled banks, which the British government nationalized after the crisis of 2008., Given that their share prices today fell by about half. In addition, potential oil revenues with no money in London are unlikely to cover the social costs the Scottish government, which on average 6% higher than in the rest of Britain.
Finally, out of Scotland from the UK raise the question of the European future of Edinburgh. Professor of the Graduate School of Economics Ivan Krivushin notes that the idea of ​​nationalists simple and attractive - Scotland should get rid of it unfavorable financial relations with London, but continue to enjoy the benefits of participation in the EU, primarily economic. At the same time, part of Scotland in the European Union as an independent state can turn to her obligations more burdensome than it has now. In addition, according to E.Ananevoy, Edinburgh is unlikely to hold and a high credit rating of the country, that is, to borrow it in the international market will become more expensive. Thus, the Scottish leadership is still very carefully consider whether to change the arrogant older sister to Britain to be ill and clumsy aunt Europe.
Rich and disgruntled Catalans and Basques
The situation in Spain is somewhat different from the UK. In southern European state separatists most actively manifest themselves in two of the most affluent regions - Catalonia, in the north-east of the country and the Basque Country in the north. The two territories for decades provided the economic prosperity of Spain, but the economic crisis with a new force raised the question of their future.
The main frustration Catalans, of which at least 500 thousand in September took to the streets of Barcelona with the requirements for greater autonomy from Madrid, is in the wrong, in their view, the distribution of finances. They believe that the central government in Madrid, taking tax revenue from Catalonia, not return them to the regional treasury in the proper amount. In Catalonia, say that every year, the local government pays taxes by 16 billion euros more than it spends. Catalans are tired sponsor the rest of the country, while the state of the local infrastructure is poor. And this despite the fact that the level of GDP per capita (30 thousand euros) Catalonia is in line with the rich countries like Britain or Austria. Economic hardship imposed on the centuries-old historical and linguistic dispute between the Catalans and the rest of Spain. People in the region, in particular, speak their particular language that has for generations oppressed by the Spanish authorities.
November 25 in Catalonia were extraordinary regional elections in which the party advocating separation of Catalonia from Spain, won nearly two-thirds of the seats in the local parliament. Long before the head of the Catalan Government Artur Mas promised that if they win they will hold a referendum on independence. Given the seriousness of the nationalists, as well as more than 50% of its support from the output of Catalonia Spain local people should think, under any flag in the near future will be the football club "Barcelona" and whether to continue the Spaniards call their artist Salvador Dali.
No less acute separatist sentiment prevails in the Basque Country - the richest, along with Madrid, the Spanish region. The share of exports of the most productive and industrialized area in the structure obscheispanskogo rate, despite the small population (only 4.5% of the population), is as much as 10%. In 2010. Basque GDP higher than the average level of GDP in the regions of Spain at 34%. As in Catalonia, the Basque discontent unfair participation in the financing of the backward parts of the country is superimposed on irreconcilable differences with Spain in the language, history, and even genetics (for example, over 50% of the Basques have a negative Rh factor, which significantly exceeds the average figure for Europe at 16% ). It is likely that after the triumph of Basque Nationalist Party in the October elections to the local parliament and the possible deterioration of the plight of the Spanish economy the issue of independence of the Basque Country will rise with new vigor.
North did not want to be a cash cow for the south
Chronic wound separatism and economic crisis has revealed in Belgium - a country divided into two parts: the south - Wallonia, with a predominantly French-speaking population, and the north - Flanders, where most people live niderlandogovoryaschie. Against the background of the critical state of the European finance more economically developed Flanders express increasing dissatisfaction due to the current mechanism of tax payments to the state budget. On average, the northern part of Belgium each year transfer to the state coffers by 16 billion euros more than the South. Integrity is at risk for another reason that more than half of the 11 million inhabitants live in Belgium is in Flanders.
At the meeting in Belgium in October local elections victory to the delight of the supporters of the status quo changes won Flemish nationalists who support the maximum independence of Flanders. Their leader, Bart De Wever, who after winning his party's mayor industrial center of Belgium - Antwerp, repeatedly noted the injustice of the existing system of finance in favor of redistribution of Wallonia. "Flemings tired that they are accepted for the cows, necessary only because of the milk they give," - said shortly before the election, de Wever. After the success in the elections, the leader of the "New Flemish Alliance" called on the Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo to revise the constitution to extend the autonomy of both parts of Belgium, with particular emphasis on financial independence from the central government of Flanders.
Italy, like Belgium, the cost is divided by the rich North and the poor South. And since the financial crisis has hit the country's economy, politics, northern Italy once again talking about the need to change, in their opinion, an unfair tax system of the state. The continuing desire to form a rich Italian north own state called Padania regularly keeps in suspense central authorities.
Separately, in Italy mature and other separatist movements that grows muscles because of economic problems. Among them is the largest political party in the region - Venetian League, which requires political and financial autonomy and recognition Venetic official language in the region. Recent efforts have also another part of the north of Italy - South Tyrol, who, on the crisis hit Italy suffered the least important. Separatists in the region with a predominance of the German population are campaigning for a referendum on secession from Italy and join the more prosperous Austria.
Is it worth it
Difficult situation in the world, especially Europe, the financial markets for a long time makes economic separatism, a feature of the modern world. According I.Krivushina, separatism in Europe today - a very attractive product, and nationalists, his offering, keeping pace with the times. Indeed, it is not surprising that the more affluent area want to own their own means.
In this case, following the advice of former Irish Prime Minister John Bruton, Scotland, Flanders and Catalonia would be wise if they first solved the problem of the economic crisis, and only then went back to the office or on boundary changes. Similar view E.Ananeva which warns that separatism for small areas is fraught with them slipping to a "non-viable states," since the crisis even resource-rich countries in trouble.
Any success at least one of the "troubled" regions in independence could lead to a chain of events that once and for all change the political map of the world. After becoming a free state, Catalonia, Scotland and Flanders will inevitably be faced with changing relations with the rest of Europe. And the situation is likely to arise in such a way that, by becoming independent from Spain, the UK and Belgium, these regions will fall in relation to other political entities, and they will have to make more concessions and more limited than it is today.

In Moscow, the snow came apocalypse

In Moscow, the snow came apocalypse
In Moscow, a day has dropped about 14-16 cm of snow, which is about a third of the monthly norm. To fight the weather, as we are assured power, cast serious state public utilities, but the situation remains complicated.
According to RBC spokesman Deputy Mayor for Housing and Public Works Igor Pergamenshchikov on the roads this morning, there are 12 thousand pieces of cleaning equipment, including two thousand trucks. According to him, all the life support system of working at this time, despite the bad weather. Incidents related to heavy snowfall and wind, with gusts of 17 m / s, no.
"Public utilities operate in a continuous mode. Prometanie Special equipment left on the streets, followed by treatment of the roadway reagents at 12:00 and 23:00 MSK on November 28 and at 05:00 MSK on November 29. Processing reagents yards, sidewalks, bus stops, approaches to Metro stations and other socially important facilities "- said I.Pergamenschik.
Note that, despite the work of public utilities, traffic in the capital almost paralyzed. According to the service "Yandex", according to 9:30 MSK, traffic congestion is estimated at 9 points out of 10.
Add that due to heavy snowfall today has been broken and the work of the capital's airports. At Domodedovo Airport, which was delayed because of snowfall over 70 flights, the situation is gradually stabilizing. According to an online scoreboard, this morning there detained about 10 flights. About 20 flights delayed at Sheremetyevo, about the same in Vnukovo.
The official pointed out that the city is still in the zone of the cyclone. During the day, snowfall will continue with the intensity of a "strong" to "moderate" will drop another 4-8 cm of snow. The air temperature is around minus 3.2 degrees.

Porn actress puzzled scientists

Porn actress puzzled scientists
U.S. scientists have refuted stereotypes of actresses from adult films. Stars erotic industry compared with other women, results showed that the first are as good as the last and even surpass them in psychological terms, writes Daily Mail.
There is a stereotype of the inhabitants, called scientists' hypothesis of the corrupted product, "in which porn actress usually are women with psychological problems, drug abuse and a child had been sexually abused.
However, in a large study, researchers found that a stereotype is not true. Employees of the University of Pennsylvania, Texas Women's University and other research organizations in the U.S. brought to the experiment 177 actresses movies for adults aged 18-50 years, average service record in the porn industry was 3.5 years.
These actresses were compared with women in other professions, but with a similar income and about the same age. As a result, scientists have come to the conclusion that self Pornstars higher than "normal" women. They are optimistic about the world, they are supported by friends and family, in addition, these women are usually satisfied with their sex lives.
In particular, the researchers found that the porn actress more religious than women of other professions, the quality of life of the adult film stars above. Almost 70% of the adult industry workers said they are satisfied with their sex lives. Among women, the same indicator of other professions - only 33%.
In addition, the porn actress had more sexual partners, they have a sexual life is usually used to give that are not the juicy industry. In addition, among the stars of adult films often get bisexual than among average women.
It should be noted that society's view porn star, as people who abuse drugs, partially confirmed. Scientists have found that erotic actresses usually take more psychoactive drugs than other professional ladies - on average, they have tried about 10 different illicit substances.

Russians spoiled New Year holiday

Russians spoiled New Year holiday
Media: Unrest in Egypt can ruin Russians Christmas holidayNew mass unrest in Egypt may spoil Russians Christmas holiday: a troubled situation deter tourists from Russia, who expected to host the winter holidays, writes "RBC daily".
The first clashes with the police, which then resulted in Arab revolution began in Egypt on January 25 2011., The newspaper reminds. The next day Russian Foreign Ministry recommended Russians to refrain from trips to Cairo and other cities, where there may be mass protests.
And two days later, and the agency advised to refrain from traveling to the Red Sea. This recommendation was canceled March 31, 2011., But flights to Egypt opened on April 4. As a result, the number of tourists last year fell by a third.
Last Friday in Cairo, Alexandria and other major cities of Egypt once again there were mass protests, affecting hundreds of people. Ministry of Foreign Affairs on November 24 again recommended Russian tourists to refrain from traveling outside the resort areas in the country.
The spokesperson of the Federal Tourism Agency Irina Shchegolkova explained that on trips to major cities of Egypt, where the protests, it is better not to go, but to stay in the resort areas, where security-conscious tourists.
Foreign Ministry recommendations on trips to Egypt for nearly two years: the ministry not to cancel it, and just the other day reminded the Executive Director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) Maya Lomidze. According to them, all the while tour groups almost sent to Cairo, Alexandria and Suez.
According to ATOP, currently in Egypt are tens of thousands of Russian tourists, and in November and December in the country to go on holiday to some 200 thousand Russians. In this autumn of 2012. demand in Egypt rose by 10-15%. This trend is leading: in October it had 30.5% of requests, while being second in Thailand requested 16.8% willing to travel Russians (data analysis system Tourindex, held ATOP).
Tourists are very active in November booked tours to Egypt at the beginning of December and the New Year, said M.Lomidze. Now, however, in the segment of Christmas bookings may slump as alarming news may scare off customers.
But mass rejection of travel to Egypt experts do not expect. "From trips to Israel, where the situation was much anxiety, refused units, each tour numbered one or two canceled" - gave an example I.Schegolkova.
However, the situation in Egypt once again delay the restoration of tourist arrivals to the country for an indefinite period, believes M.Lomidze. While in November the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov predicted that in 2012. Egypt will visit some 2.5 million Russians, which is almost 75% more than last year.
Recall massive anti-government demonstrations were held in several cities in Egypt on 23 November. Egyptians are demanding the resignation of President Mohammed Mursi, who, according to the protesters, concentrated in his hands too much power.
Opponents M.Mursi set fire to several headquarters of the ruling Party of Freedom and Justice, the political wing of the movement "Muslim Brotherhood", represented by the Egyptian president. According to state television, in clashes M.Mursi opponents of the regime and the police have suffered.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

By 2 years of imprisonment sentenced athlete Rasul Mirzaev for causing death by negligence during the conflict student Ivan Agafonov

By 2 years of imprisonment sentenced athlete Rasul Mirzaev for causing death by negligence during the conflict student Ivan Agafonov. This decision was made today, the judge of the court of Moscow Andrey Zamoskvoreche Fedin.
Court zachel athlete life, which he spent in jail / a year /, and each day spent in pre-trial detention, equated to two days of detention.
Mirzayev was released from custody in the courtroom.
The court found guilty in the death of an athlete Agafonova the conflict with Moscow nightclub, but reclassified the charges to a more lenient. "The court found that Mirzayev committed unintentionally causing death Agafonov" - read Judge Andrew Fedin, noting that the wine "is confirmed in the case studied the evidence."
The judgment states that the prosecution Mirzaev reclassified from the article "intentional infliction of serious bodily injury, resulting in the death of the victim" to "Causing death by negligence" be punished by imprisonment or restraint of liberty for a term of 2 years.
The penalty of restriction of liberty provides for restrictions on the movement, place of work and study. Control over their implementation rests with the penal inspection at the place of residence of the convict. This kind of punishment is more severe than suspended sentence. In particular, the restriction of freedom without the possibility at the end of half term / provided that the convict has proved its correction / cancellation penalties and overturned.
Relatives of the deceased young man protested that decision of the court. "Let me out of here, I do not want to listen to this nonsense and lies, I listen to it for a year," - cried during the sentencing father Agafonov. He is in the perturbation left the courtroom, offering Andrew Fedin, read testimony of prosecution witnesses, including friends and girls Mirzayev, immediately announce the decision in the case.
Student's mother is in the hospital with a heart attack. As explained by the father Agafonova before sentencing, she "is in intensive care, it brought."
Meanwhile, even before the end of the sentencing counsel victims Mikhalkina Oksana said that he would appeal. "The sentence will be appealed to the Moscow City Court necessarily as illegal and unjustified," - she said, noting that the family of the deceased did not agree with retraining charges.
According Mikhalkina, Agafonova not apply to civil actions Mirzaev. "The family did not take the money Agafonov and will continue to take," - said the lawyer told reporters.
Earlier Mikhalkina expressed concerns that the reclassification charges a softer paper and the corresponding sentence in this case can cause a flurry of similar crimes across Russia.
On retraining charges sambist sides in the debate insisted the prosecutor. However, he asked the court to take into account the period which athletes held in jail, equating every day in the detention center for two days of detention.
Lawyer Alex Mirzaev Grebenskaya Tass said that since his client had not previously tried the first time to criminal liability, according to this article, it can not assign a custodial sentence.
A tragic accident caused by a high-profile, occurred early in the morning of 15 August 2011. Near the entrance to the night club "Garage" on the grounds that arise suddenly hostile relations master of sports in sambo, champion of Russia and the world in this sport Rasul Mirzaev, "applying the skills and athletic training, deliberately inflicted one punctuated by a left hand to the face area Agafonova" , according to the materials of the case. As a result, he fell, hitting his head on the pavement, in the hospital in a coma and died three days later.
The case was conducted five examinations and none of them has established the relationship between the direct impact and the loss of a student athlete. "The result is a blow Mirzaev Agafonova emerged only bruises, is regarded as the damage has not caused injury," - read data from the last examination of Judge Andrew Fedin. Also not been found guilty in the death of a young medical man in the hospital.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Regional Development need thousands of years to cover Russia with a network of public roads

Regional Development need thousands of years to cover Russia with a network of public roads
The Head of Regional Development of the Russian Federation Igor Slyunyaev called "very far" the prospect of creating a Russian highway network at the current pace of construction.
Agreed a program of modernization of the transport system, he said, about half a million to build roads, to form that same network. But, citing Slyunyayev media, including input of 500 km each year this can be done for 1000 years.
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who led a government meeting on Thursday, called perspective, the Minister outlined, "bleak" and sent the program of development of the transport system for revision.
Earlier today, the Prime Minister said that by 2020 Russia should be built 14 thousand kilometers of roads, 2.5 thousand km of railways. There are also plans to increase the capacity of ports by 356 million tons, to fix about 100 airstrips.
Medvedev stressed that the implementation of the program is to reduce the number of accidents in transportation by a third, to reduce transportation costs by 12 to 16%, exports of transport services should be doubled, and the mobility of the population - 50%.
Prime Minister acknowledged that modern transport infrastructure does not meet the country's needs. In particular, the extent of the problem of railway sections of more than 7 thousand km, only 8% of the federal roads are multi-band roadway, and depreciation of fixed assets for certain types of vehicles is 50%.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Pussy Riot participant was transferred to solitary confinement

Pussy Riot participant was transferred to solitary confinement
Participant of the punk band Pussy Riot Mary Alekhine, currently serving a prison sentence in the Permian in Berezniki, transferred to solitary confinement. As reported by the BBC BBC in the press service of the FPS, this is due to tensions M.Alehinoy with other prisoners.
According to the representative agency M.Alehina independently decided to transfer to a separate room. It can stay there for as long as she does not want to go back to the other inmates, or until the prison administration will not consider that, in general detachment she is safe.
Note from M.Alehinoy is not the first time there are problems related to the stay of the colony: it also experienced discomfort due to the "meat menus" as follows vegetarianism. In addition, she was hoping that he will get a job in the library, but she, like all prisoners have to learn sewing specialty.
Recall group Pussy Riot became world famous after "punk prayer" 21 February 2012. Christ the Savior Cathedral. Shortly thereafter detained Catherine Samutsevich, Hope and Tolokonnikova M.Alehina.
Girls charged with disorderly conduct and was sentenced to two years in prison each. However, in October E.Samutsevich, replacing the lawyers could appeal the sentence and were released.

Accidents involving hundreds of vehicles in Texas claimed the lives of two people

Accidents involving hundreds of vehicles in Texas claimed the lives of two people A major accident in the U.S. state of Texas, with the participation of about 100 cars took the lives of two people, more than 80 were injured, said on the night of Friday the Associated Press referring to the representative of the local police Rod Carroll (Rod Carroll).Your browser does not support this video format.Get Adobe Flash player© RIA NovostiClash of hundreds of cars paralyzed traffic on the highway in the U.S.
Around 100 cars collided on Thursday at the motorway near the town of Beaumont in southeast Texas, the cause of accident was heavy fog. Previously reported wounded 51 people.
"This is a disaster. Machines I saw on the roofs of other cars," - said Carroll.
On Thursday, the United States celebrated a traditional Thanksgiving. Highways of the country have been downloaded, as millions of Americans by private cars were sent to the celebrations, says the Associated Press.

Kremlin plans to extend the term of military service

Kremlin plans to extend the term of military service

This is indicated by unofficial sources in the government. "Such plans, definitely not," - said, "RIA Novosti" an unnamed senior Kremlin.

He was commenting on the initiative of the State Duma Defense Committee Vladimir Komoyedov who offered not serve a year and a half. Statement by MP has caused a reaction defenders Defense and General Staff. Human rights activists have opposed, and the General Staff supported the idea Komoyedov.

Later, head of the Duma Committee explained that the State Duma will not even begun to work on amendments to increase the service life. According Komoyedov is his personal position. "I think that all military experts agree with me, that was clearly not enough," - he told reporters.

Vladimir Putin has promised to reduce the term of military service: first it reduced from two to one and a half years, and then a half years and one year. "The strategic plan remains a landmark - it is a gradual transition to a contract system with preservation of the call," - said in the Kremlin.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Humanity deprived of the last chance for salvation

Humanity deprived of the last chance for salvation

French authorities block access to the mountain, where they were flown by aliens
French authorities on the eve of the end of the world, which, according to the Mayan calendar, should occur on December 21, block access to the mountain Byugarash. It is at this peak, as stated believe in the supernatural, you can survive the apocalypse.
Prefect of Carcassonne, located in the foothills of the Pyrenees, has restricted access to the peak from 19 to 23 December, according to Le Monde. The reason for the decision of the authorities have feared that by 21 December at the mountain will come to 100 thousand tourists and religious fanatics. The arrangement at the foot of the mountain of the same name Byugarash settlement, which live only 176 people, is simply not able to take as many guests.
Protect the mountain from those who want to survive the end of the world will be hundreds of police officers and firefighters. They block all approaches to the peak and mountain trails. In the event of an excessive influx of tourists and the authorities are ready to close the entrance to the town.
In addition, together with the police on duty will come cavers and air space in the Mount will be declared a no-fly zone. Thus, the city expects to be in the safety of people and to prevent a possible stampede.
Mount Byugarash for centuries attracted the attention of occultists because of its unique properties. It is believed that there are hidden treasures of the Knights Templar. According to numerous testimonies of the many caves regularly hears strange sounds, and over the top can often be seen strange light effects.
Some believe Byugarash "UFO underground parking." However, they believe that the Day of Judgment will come down the mountain aliens. Aliens, in their view, be allowed to board their ship for those who want to survive. However, the chance of survival is only in units.
According to the mayor, Jean Pierre Byugarasha Delorda his village and the mountain always attracted people who believed in the esoteric. "They've been here before, they will continue to come," - he told The Guardian. As noted by Delord, the number of tourists in the area Byugarasha growing year by year. If in 2010, visited the village of ten thousand people, in 2011 - already twice.
Sam Delord is trying to end a pilgrimage to the mountain in 1995, when its surroundings were committed ritual murder. But he did not rule out that the fanatics, yielding general psychosis, can go to the Day of Judgment for reckless actions.

"Proton-M" orbited American communications satellite EchoStar-16

"Proton-M" orbited American communications satellite EchoStar-16

American communications satellite "Echostar-16" (EchoStar-16), launched the evening of 20 November, the carrier rocket "Proton-M" from Baikonur, launched into orbit and transferred to the control of the customer, told RIA Novosti the Russian Space Agency.
"Separation of the spacecraft from the upper stage" Briz-M "was held at 7.43 MSK," - said the official.
Launch contract with a carrier rocket "Proton-M" entered the American satellite operator EchoStar and venture International Launch Services Inc. (ILS). Majority shareholder in ILS is FSUE "State Research and Production Space Center Khrunichev", developer and manufacturer of rocket "Proton" and booster "Briz-M".
EchoStar-16 - a new direct broadcast satellite, built by Space Systems / Loral for the American satellite operator EchoStar. The spacecraft will be installed in a geostationary orbit at distances 61.5 degrees west longitude, where it will join the fleet of satellites, EchoStar, serving for communication, business and entertainment around the world.
All power spacecraft EchoStar-16 will be leased by DISH Network for providing direct broadcast in the United States. Satellite EchoStar-16 is equipped with a payload of Ku-band transponders with aimed at the continental United States, part of the transponder can generate spot beams. The unit will strengthen the position as the leading provider EchoStar satellite and broadcast video.
Spacecraft EchoStar-16 with 32 active transponders is the eighth satellite EchoStar, created by Space Systems / Loral. Companion of 20 kW is developed on the basis of platform LS-1300 with high-quality, proven in flight systems, has shown high reliability.
The launch is EchoStar-16 was the tenth launch rocket "Proton" in 2012 and the start of the 382-m in its flight history. ILS to launch the seventh in 2012 and 76th launch rocket "Proton" since it began commercial operation in April 1996. "Proton" for the fifth time is used to remove the payload Corporation EchoStar. In addition, it is the 24th launch of the "Proton" with the spacecraft, manufactured on the basis of platform Space Systems / Loral.

executed only surviving member of the attack on Mumbai in 2008

executed only surviving member of the attack on Mumbai in 2008
The only person convicted of the bloody attack of militants in Mumbai in 2008 terrorist Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab, was executed today in IndiaPakistani Kasab took part in a daring attack on the metropolis and was the only one whom the police captured aliveThe terrorist was hanged on Wednesday at 7:30 am local time in prison Eravada in Pune, near Mumbai
The only person convicted of the bloody attack of militants in Mumbai in 2008 terrorist Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab, was executed today in India, ITAR-TASS referring to the British media.
Pakistani Kasab took part in a daring attack on the metropolis and was the only one whom the police captured alive. In 2010, he was sentenced to death. In August, the Supreme Court of India has left a death sentence. His request for a pardon by President of India Mr. Pranab Mukherjee was rejected earlier this month.
The terrorist was hanged on Wednesday at 7:30 am local time in prison Eravada in Pune, near Mumbai, said Reuters. This is the first death sentence enforced in India since 2004.
Recall, November 26, 2008 in Mumbai by extremists groups "Lashkar-e-Taiba," were attacked Mumbai hotels "Taj Mahal", "Trident-Oberoi", the Central Railway Station and the residential complex Nariman House, where there was a Jewish cultural center. According to investigators, Kasab and his nine accomplices were kept at bay the entire multimillion Mumbai for 60 hours before the authorities managed to suppress the most severe in recent years, the terrorist attacks in India. In addition to the lives of 166 people on his conscience extremists 238 wounded.
During the investigation, it was proved that Kasab and his partner Abu Ismail, opened fire in a hall station, killed a total of 72 people. The sentence also appear the names of seven other victims, including two senior police officers, who were killed by personally Kasaba.
Kasab show trial began in March 2009 and was completed in record time, will last just over a year. That he did not lasted for years, was formed in Mumbai special court. During the trial, which took place almost without interruption, interviewed hundreds of witnesses. Main defendant took from his cell in the courthouse for the armored corridor, and the hearing was sitting in a special bullet-proof camera that can withstand even the explosion.
We also recall that on June 21 of this year in New Delhi arrested the alleged organizer of the attacks Abu Hamza. According to his confession, to a terrorist attack, which killed 166 people, involved in the Pakistan authorities.
The authorities of India are also looking for the founder Islamist group "Lashkar-e-Taiba," Hafiz Mohammed Saeed. For information on his whereabouts Washington promised $ 10 million, as in the attack on Mumbai killed six U.S. citizens.

In Primorye are going to strengthen the educational work in schools

In Primorye are going to strengthen the educational work in schools

"The incident, which took place in Vladivostok - just a blatant case. Now the most important thing - it's great the injured schoolgirl our part, we are ready to provide any assistance to parents, "- said the director of the Department of Education and Science Alexander Zubritsky Primorye. This week the experts will meet with all responsible parties.

Now medeeksperty establish how far an battered peers schoolgirl. Total investigators interviewed four girls who took part in the conflict, two of them directly hit the victim, another video at the fourth - to stand by and watch. Then the video posted on the Internet.

Juncker did not specify timing allocation of Greece the next tranche

Juncker did not specify timing allocation of Greece the next tranche

The head of the Eurogroup Jean-Claude Juncker could not answer when Greece could be listed next tranche of the loan, without which it risks prevent the eurozone's first sovereign default.

"I do not know when it will happen. Greece did (depending on yourself - Ed.), Now we need to do," - he told reporters after a meeting of eurozone finance ministers council with representatives from the European Commission and the IMF.

Which began on Tuesday evening an extraordinary meeting of Eurogroup on Greece was interrupted on Wednesday early morning. In a statement Juncker noted that lenders need to discuss technical issues rescue package of Greece.

Mayor Nikolaevsk-on-Amur to suspension - prosecutors

Mayor Nikolaevsk-on-Amur to suspension - prosecutors

The court at the request of the investigation and the prosecution decided to suspend from office the mayor Nikolaevsk-on-Amur (Khabarovsk Territory) Peter Volyn, who is accused of abuse of power, said on Wednesday the Khabarovsk regional prosecutors.
According to investigators, Volyn abused powers in an open auction for the construction of heating on Jubilee Street in Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. As a result, the city budget caused damage amounting to more than 3.5 million rubles. For a criminal case.
"The court agreed with the arguments of the investigation and prosecution of the opportunities available in the Volyn impede the investigation and suspended the accused from office," - said agency.