Thursday, August 30, 2012

What comes after Syria?

What comes after Syria?
Yesterday it was reported that Syria abandoned British special forces unit, supposedly to "search for chemical weapons", in fact - for an expanded invasion. Syria decided to kill by any means, she was discharged sentence. If Syria will stand, it would be a miracle, but this is what I wish her all my heart.
In that case, if Damascus falls, Syria will be destroyed as a political entity, and it will turn it into a base for the fight against Iran, Libya has now become a training camp for militants pelted to the Syrian border.
At the moment, the Americans have discovered the so-called developing the project "South Azerbaijan", that is the plan of destabilization north-western Iran, populated by Azerbaijanis (who lives in the Islamic Republic than in Azerbaijan, rather - in the former Azerbaijani SSR).
Already being actively "work" with Azerbaijan, which is "oriented" to "reunion territories." Recently, even in the Azerbaijani parliament's intention to rename the sound republic in northern Azerbaijan, that is right to point out that there is another, South Azerbaijan. In Baku structure incorporated many agents of influence, hate Iran.
And at the same time, Israel literally floods the Azerbaijani army weapons, arms it accelerated pace - not counting those weapons that Baku has traditionally bought in Russia.
Americans are by all means draw Baku in future conflict, promising Azerbaijan huge area in the south, which, after the dismemberment of Iran and to "reconnect with the independent Azerbaijan."
So, if Syria falls, after a few months, will include in western Iran announced "oppressed groups and protesters," the name of which, of course, will be performing armed insurgents. Against them, of course, would have been applied restraints. Ahmadinejad, like any other head of state, who turned in his place, try to extinguish the "hearth" or "hot spots," but, of course, it will provoke further, expanding the "conflict", adding to it. Etog around the world, and most importantly - the Azeri press, will be deployed terrible hysteria, which will focus on the "abuse of peaceful Azerbaijanis." The next step will be an incident at the Iranian-Azerbaijani border, which will grow into something more (Americans will help it grow), and here it will go to the course and Israeli weapons, and the old Soviet and new Russian who is armed to the teeth is now Azerbaijan.
Against Iran will start two wars at once: one with aircraft carriers, was carried out by another "coalition" and the other "cannon fodder" from the mountains, with sets on Iran Azeris.
Of course, the main purpose of this scale provocation would destabilize the entire macro-region, and the main target will be Russia. Against her in Washington strategists all clearly spelled out. Russia embroiled in a "conflict" under the inclusion of official Baku in a war against Iran.
Russia, like China, like any sane person in this world, of course, will be against the war and against the invasion of Iran, as Western forces and the "liberators" of Azerbaijan. A world press focused on the Azerbaijanis will inflate theme of betrayal Russia Azerbaijani interests rather direct support oppression of Azerbaijanis in Iran. Russia will be demonized (like now), but the game will have a different, will beat Russia itself. Everything will be done according to the scenario of destabilization of the Russian cities, almost all of which, as we know, there are Azerbaijani Diaspora.
As soon as the anti-Russian hysteria will be deployed as soon as the Azeris are against Russian Americans immediately paid off several major terrorist attacks in Russian cities, which, of course, will be made on behalf of the Azerbaijanis. Although already Azerbaijani youth, not realizing that it is used and put at risk, boil become embittered and, willy-nilly, will provoke a clash with Russian youth. The situation in Russia will be a big trouble to smell.
In the North Caucasus, in the meantime, re-activate the "Chechen issue," possibly "Circassian" and all the other things that can be activated.
The escalation of the conflict in South Azerbaijan will only increase, because it can start and end with something she can not, probably never. It will be infinitely bleeding problem, like Gaza, Palestine or sleep now, but also very patient-Karabakh, the fate of which will also be called into question (although, to my knowledge, the Americans promised Azerbaijan vast southern territory in exchange for recognition of Karabakh, because if the United States will achieve this themselves, without the participation of Russia, the hope that Armenia will turn away from Moscow, will come out of Russian integration projects and will focus on Washington, as well as Georgia).
On the "European front," Americans will hit Greece, there will be economic means to act and subversive propaganda. Greece from the euro zone will drag on output, also activate the raising of the Spanish problem. In general, long-prepared blow mine, rounding out the overall process of destabilization of Eurasia. Germany will have to gradually hand over his "unfinished empire" - however, it is not the first time.
As American strategists, Eurasia should be turned into one big Bosnia, which nothing can vyaknut, no matter what influence can not and does not respond when you start point.
And the main point will default on U.S. debt, or something else, a different scenario, which will decide to crank Americans to once cut the "Gordian knot", or move the problem to a nightmarish debt indefinitely distant period. I do not know what exactly they plotted against their deplorable financial affairs. Maybe just start hyperinflation, clear your debts and write off all the "villains that have undermined international stability." Not ruled out other options. The main thing: Americans want to turn the contraption fraud under the guise of a big war and prevent law-care in the second echelon.
In any event, the war in South Azerbaijan, which should be inclusive of all, including China, the role of which is, of course, can not yet be clear, creating lots and lots of smoke, which should be a disguise for a decision on the U.S. public debt, threatens to sink the "empire of goods" if it does not unleash a major war on foreign soil, as in the forties. The outbreak of war is already under way.
But Russia is not bode well for our country - one of the main goals. Iran to Americans - a small change, they do not know that this is a unique power with millennia of ancient traditions, that is a world that is fraught with mystery. They did not take seriously this Iran, they think that the Persians did not avenge themselves, and only utrut as Iraqis swallow humiliation. But, most of all, the Americans are wrong. Revenge will follow, although asymmetric. Perhaps, in the States themselves will begin a wave of terrorism (who knows, maybe the Iranians have taken care of this and introduced the "sleeping snipers", send them with an escaped dissidents).
That could prove a big chaos, global, which overrides everything that might strike in the case of the negative "default scenario" that is, the economic collapse of the United States, to which you are now and where Americans want to escape, knocking her trouble with the patient on its head.
There is a version that started, the Azerbaijani-Iranian conflict could drown or be not as large as that in Washington want (and this is a good option for us.) But the probability is low. Most likely, since much can plunge Syria into chaos, and Iran will ignite, plunging it into Azerbaijan.
The most curious thing is that Putin is likely to understand all this perfectly. Although it expects to minimize the damage to yourself, thinking it would be possible to sit in the side, or at least be involved in the process only partially. But Putin has almost passed Gabala, and if nothing changes in the next few months, Russia in December, will leave the Gabala (the radar in Azerbaijan, about the same Americans want to build in Poland and the Czech Republic, they want a new building, near the borders of Russia, and Putin already existing leases). Though, most of all, he can not pass, the U.S. pressure is enormous, Americans squeeze Russia. More precisely - Baku does it exactly the will of the "Washington Regional Committee."
Perhaps going from Azerbaijan, Putin comes cleverly minimizing the Russian presence in the region, which Americans elected new ground for slaughter. But any surrender - is a shame. Once Churchill said, "We had a choice - war or dishonor, we chose dishonor and get war." He said these words, when the West surrendered Czechoslovakia to Hitler.
Russia has now also had a choice - to give Libya to the wolves, or fight for its security and integrity. Russia has handed over to Libya. Hitler's role at the moment kindly took the "Western democracy."
Russia backs now, Russia retreats tushuetsya Russia, many in the Moscow offices seems that nothing else can take now.
But the key lies in the hands of China, as it is strange. If the Chinese want to, they can bring down the economic stability of the United States in exchange for a few sessions, and then the whole story of the present day is going in the opposite direction and you will be under a different vytantsovyvatsya accompaniment. America is very vulnerable as ever vulnerable. But she, like crazed criminal, goes to all new and new aggravation of the situation, hoping to win and go unpunished.
But while the Chinese are silent, they do not manifest themselves until everything goes according to the American scenario, the active is approaching Russian borders. Maybe the Chinese and will not do anything against American policies, arguing that they are more favorable to refrain from taking any steps.
I described the most likely scenario of a new war, and its development will not now unpredictable. Russia, in accordance with the model plan to blow up from the inside, this time using a multi-million Azerbaijani diaspora, new wave of large-scale terrorism, and all other factors that could find.
More than anything, I would like to see this event prediction proved wrong. The more wrong it is, the better it will be over and above all my country. Moreover, Syria - are still not played card, Syrians are fighting like a warrior, it's hard not to be impressed by them. Syria now - this is a new Vietnam, and if the U.S. and its satellites will lose in Syria, Eurasia will have a chance to avoid a major war. If the Americans and their cronies to achieve their objectives, Eurasia will cover the endless wave spread terror and instability, creeping wave of chaos.
So far, so it is to this, and yesterday's landing of British troops in Syria - the first signs of the new reshuffle, which, almost without hiding discussed in Washington.
Plan entitled "Southern Azerbaijan" started. The only question is exactly how it is implemented?
Maxim Akimov

Putin predicted unexpected fate

Putin predicted unexpected fate

On Thursday, the director of the Moscow Institute of Globalization Delyagin held a press conference with a rather long title "Towards a new political season: the liberal clan went on the warpath - the answer Putin?".
According to the previous (winter) is projected to respond with anything and would not have had in December last year, at a press conference with Delyagin stated that his presidency will end this fall. And very badly - the head of the Russian president had to bring "to the U.S. election on a silver platter."
But the Americans did not work - they are permanently stuck in Libya embroiled in diplomatic dance around Syria, and now it would be good if the election brought the head of al-Assad. And Navalny, on which, according to Delyagin banked Americans and did not grow up in a real presidential candidate. "We have not increased," - says Delyagin. In general, he said, the government today is trying to be "bloody clowns", while the opposition - just clowns.
Despite the clowning, says the analyst, the liberal movement will grow and spread, involving protests masses. Delyagin sure barricade activity has slowed down - just that she was on vacation and in September will know about yourself ambitious actions.
Further events, according to Delyagin, will develop unexpectedly masses finally "see the true face of the liberal opposition in horror from her shrink." And as the new leaders in the next few years is not expected, people will have no choice but to cling to Putin and weep with remorse on his chest.
But while Putin's position is quite sad - to begin to serve the people, not the bureaucracy, it must first of all get rid of the friends of the corrupt. However, to take friends in a heightened political struggle unreasonable. In addition, states Delyagin, Putin can not really rely even on the siloviki - Medvedev for the presidency had to place liberals on several key positions. Called by the names of the liberal politician security officials refused, saying that they are already known to all. Why Putin does not change them, for it is also quite clear - not change for anyone, all the friends of Peter's long gone. Moreover, the change team is expensive - "every new person - a new purse."
Next Delyagin continued to abuse the opposition, separately the Chirikova nomination for mayor of Khimki. According to him, threw her elders - say, she wants to let herself and swam. "And then suddenly we pouchastvuem in the campaign, and it will fail, and it will be non-kosher", - explained the director about the Institute of Globalization considerations opposition. The very same Chirikov, in his opinion, the mayor does not suit - if only because it did not rule anything except his country house. However, in Russia, as we know, even the cook can govern.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

"The Other Russia" will push for mayor of Khimki former political prisoner Medvedev

"The Other Russia" will push for mayor of Khimki former political prisoner Medvedev
Unregistered party "Other Russia" nominated as a candidate for the mayoral election in Moscow suburb of Khimki porter river port and former political prisoner Sergei Medvedev, said on his blog drugorossov leader Eduard Limonov.

"The Other Russia" will nominate for election Khimki Mayor former prisoner
Medvedev was born, lives and works in Khimki, and most recently worked as a loader in the river port city. He was born Sergei in 1983 in Khimki, was in high school number 11, and then in college, specialty "radio engineer" Limonov wrote in LJ.

Khimki are exacting
Chirikov itself immediately after the resignation Strelchenko said he was not going to run for mayor of Khimki, but then changed its position on the request of supporters.

Pension Fund and the Ministry of Labour developed a reform of the pension system

Pension Fund and the Ministry of Labour developed a reform of the pension system
"The draft pension reform strategy prepared and sent to the concerned authorities, which should soon write their conclusions," - said Deputy Minister of Labor Andrew Pudov and CEO of the Russian Pension Fund Anton Drozdov.

Ministry of Labor and the FIU identified future retirees Russian word for financial authorities
In one of his first acts after the May inauguration of Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to October 1 draft strategy of the pension system of the Russian Federation.

Trillion borrowing from retirement
Ministry of Labor has three years to direct part of the funded part of the pension of 2% to 4% from the current 6% to current payments to pensioners, and in 2015 to provide citizens with the right choice - keep the savings to make or transfer him joint portion

Vladivostok Airport Customs will work around the clock during the APEC

Vladivostok Airport Customs will work around the clock during the APEC
Vladivostok Airport customs post, which will have a greater burden will work on the design of visiting delegations around the clock, said agency.

Permit regime began operating on Russian Island in Vladivostok, which will host the APEC summit
According to the Mayor of Vladivostok, the permit regime introduced in connection with the treatment of federal agencies to ensure the safety of international events held as part of the APEC summit.

Action for infringement of the rights and freedoms of Russian citizens enrolled in Leninsky court of Vladivostok
According to the author of the post, the City of Vladivostok violates federal laws and the Constitution of the Russian Federation to reduce the movement on the island of Russian publications by placing ads on the status of accreditation to visit the island during the APEC summit in 2012.

The Russian basketball player stole the bronze medal 2012 Olympic

The Russian basketball player stole the bronze medal 2012 Olympic
A member of the Russian national basketball team Vitaly Fridzon unknown stole a bronze medal in London Olympics. ITAR-TASS in law enforcement.

The Russian basketball player stole the bronze medal 2012 Olympic
Besides medals from home 26-year-old basketball player in the Moscow suburb of Khimki stole two pairs of watches, mobile phone, laptop, camera and a tablet computer.

Olympics medal was stolen in Moscow for the Russian basketball - source
As stated on the official website of "Khimki" for the club Fridzon acts since 2004 over the years he became European champion among youth teams (2005), multiple silver medalist Russia, bronze at the European Championships, Cup of Russia and Europe, and finally, the bronze medalist in 2012.

Storm "Isaac" has left thousands of Americans without light

Storm "Isaac" has left thousands of Americans without light
Because of the storm, in Florida, Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi was declared a disaster mode. In the city of Tampa, where he was held congress and the threat of tornadoes exists. At Miami International Airport because of unruly elements detained more than 500 flights.

Florida prepares for tropical storm strike "Isaac"
Thousands of homes without electricity "Isaac" is becoming more powerful by the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, and when it reaches the continent, it can turn into a Category 2 hurricane with winds of 170 km / h

U.S. prepares aircraft to eliminate the consequences of the storm, "Isaac"
National Guard prepares for at least 36 transport planes and 38 helicopters for possible evacuation and response looming in the south Atlantic tropical storm "Isaac."

The issue of Moscow involved in the case of the attack on Putin found violations

NEWSru.com11:19The issue of Moscow involved in the case of the attack on Putin found violationsThe next day, according to "Kommersant", the Prosecutor General of Ukraine left on him called for extradition arrest, and on August 25 at the border to the accused the Russian secret services. The same day, a special flight Pyanzin was taken to Moscow and placed in Lefortovo detention center.InterfaxInterfax10:39Suspected of plotting the assassination of Putin brought to Russia from Ukraine spetsbortomIlya Pyanzin - one of the suspects of plotting the assassination of President Vladimir Putin - was taken last Saturday from Ukraine to Moscow special plane, extradition was without incident, "Interfax" a source in the Russian security services.Interfax-UkraineInterfax-Ukraine23:36 25.08Suspected of plotting the assassination of Putin Kazakhstani Pyanzin extradited to Ukraine to Russia - TVOn Thursday it was announced that the Court of Appeal decided to recognize the Odessa region lawful order of the General Prosecutor's Office for extradition of the second suspect in the case of plotting the assassination of Putin I. Pyanzina, a citizen of Kazakhstan.

Defense Ministry denied the rumors about increasing the autumn draft

Defense Ministry denied the rumors about increasing the autumn draft
During the last set of the army in the spring of 2012 in the armed forces, according to the Defense Ministry, 155,000 were called 570. During the autumn conscription in 2011 the troops were sent to 135 000 850 conscripts.

Defense Ministry denied the information on increasing the recruitment of 50 thousand people
Defense Ministry on Monday denied media reports of plans to increase conscription into military service by 50 thousand people.

Defense Ministry said that the plan of conscription will not be increased
"The number to be called up for military service in autumn 2012 will not differ significantly from that of last spring conscription campaign," - said in a statement of the Press and Information Ministry of Defense, which came in the "Interfax-AVN" on Monday.

In Altai sued into the death of a man from anthrax

RBC daily
In Altai sued into the death of a man from anthrax
After the death of a resident of the village of "Friendship" Altai anthrax criminal proceedings (article "Violation of sanitary-epidemiological rules, resulting in the death of man").
Criminal case initiated on the outbreak of anthrax in the Altai village
"The case was opened under Part 2 of Art. 236 of the Criminal Code (violation of sanitary-epidemiological rules, resulting in the death of man)," - said the source.
RIA Novosti
RIA Novosti
Into the death of a man due to anthrax in the Altai prosecuted
Criminal investigation into the outbreak of anthrax in the Altai region and the death of one person from the disease brought on Monday, RIA Novosti spokesman Souskiou the Altai Territory.
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Monday, August 20, 2012

"Zenith" has offered € 10 million for the transfer striker "Arsenal" Andrei Arshavin.

"Zenith" has offered € 10 million for the transfer striker "Arsenal" Andrei Arshavin.

According referring to The Times, «Zenit" intends to buy out the Russian team captain transfer.

32-year-old played for the "Zenith" from 1999 to 2008. From February to May 2012 Arshavin played for the "Zenith" on loan.

Recall that in the "Arsenal" Arshavin spent 100 matches and scored 23 goals.

Rival clans headed by Vladimir Putin as a moderator and referee run the country

Rival clans headed by Vladimir Putin as a moderator and referee run the country, analysts have concluded. The elite formed something like the Soviet Politburo. Such a system hinders the development of Russia, experts believe.
Putin left the duo and returned politburo. This is the conclusion reached by the authors of the report "Big government of Vladimir Putin and the" Politburo 2.0 ". Study holding" Minchenko Consulting ", based on a survey of more than 60 representatives of political and business elite. Authors argue:" The Russian government - a conglomerate clans and groups that compete with each other for resources. "Vladimir Putin in the system play the role of arbiter and moderator.
As the number of full members of the Politburo are Dmitry Medvedev and Sergei Ivanov, Igor Sechin, the tandem of Gennady Timchenko and Yury Kovalchuk, a group Chemezov, Sergei Sobyanin, Vyacheslav Volodin. Specificity "of the Politburo 2.0" is that it is almost never going to the general meeting. The formal status of its members do not always correlate with real influence in the decision making process. Around the "Politburo 2.0" formed some elite circles, which can be roughly described as "power", "political", "technical" and "entrepreneurial."
Generators of the Politburo of the embodiment of the opposite target scenarios. The management system is designed, first and foremost, on the inertial scenario.
The report underestimates the role of Vladimir Putin's political system, is sure politician and member of the Public Chamber Sergei Markov.
"The meaning of existence is not to become millionaires friends billionaires.'s The point of the system is to develop Russia to move in a particular direction. Therefore the role of Vladimir Putin not only moderator and arbiter between the clans, and more and creator of this team, it is also the captain of this team, navigator, plotted somewhere. And if some of them do not agree with this course, it will be thrown away from the ship. Moderators can not enter someone wants this team and to let go of her, whom she "- he says.
The political system can only lead to stagnation, not development, a political analyst Dmitry Oreshkin.
"With the Soviet united only that no one but them, it does not generate the Politburo. It is in front of us completely responsible, it is responsible to their lobby groups. But different from the Soviet Politburo that it is impossible to make mistakes in front of his group of influence, she'll gobble up and put in your place someone else, and greater transparency. System Update can not, so she has to deal with canning itself, that is, screw nuts, "- he said.
Even as a candidate for president, Vladimir Putin asked not to compare him to the Soviet leadership. Because unlike some politicians of the past, he knows what to do with the country. Thus Putin did not deny that "in Soviet times had a lot of positive."

As far as I know, the Russian chemical weapons production in Syria is not delivered

"As far as I know, the Russian chemical weapons production in Syria is not delivered," - said the deputy head of the Federal Office for the safe storage and destruction of chemical weapons, Colonel Vladimir Mandychev. Thus military official commented on the statement of U.S. President Barack Obama about the possibility of U.S. military intervention in the events in Syria, if there is a threat of the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons.
"Syria is one of those countries that have not signed the Convention on the destruction of chemical weapons. To say that there are Russian-made weapons, not worth it ", - told reporters deputy head of the Federal Office for the safe storage and destruction of weapons, Colonel Vladimir Mandychev, RIA Novosti reported.
On the eve of U.S. President Barack Obama warned that the use of Damascus, chemical or biological weapons could change Washington's position on the issue of military intervention in the internal conflict in the country. However, the President stressed that it is not giving orders to intervene. "Border line for us will be the redeployment of chemical weapons or use" - said Barack Obama.
Russia's position on the chemical weapons consistent - Moscow get rid of him. According to the deputy head of the Federal Office for the safe storage and destruction of chemical weapons, Colonel Vladimir Mandychev in Russia only in 2012 destroyed three thousand emergency himboepripasov.
"As of January 1, 2012 all chemical weapons in Russia are outside the terms of safe storage. Emergency ammunition currently seven thousand, of which from the beginning of the year destroyed about three thousand, "- said Vladimir Mandychev.
In just 15 years, Russia has eliminated about two-thirds of its stockpile of chemical weapons, which were the largest in the world - about 40 thousand tons According to the deputy head of administration, today Russia has destroyed about 66% of chemical weapons. Completely destroy ammunition Russia agrees to December 31, 2015. "We still have to destroy a little more than 34% of stocks. But this is the most complex munitions complex design. In addition to the composition of their agents are explosive "- said the colonel.

Site Khamovniki court in Moscow this morning was hacked.

Site Khamovniki court in Moscow this morning was hacked. The page posted clip Bulgarian singer Azis Mrazish & Download under "Information on the income the staff of the Khamovniki district court in Moscow in 2011." Page content is constantly changing - currently in the page header contains the phrase "Sorry, guys, but we all went here," previously there was published a call to release member punk band Pussy Riot.

Overall design of the site remains unchanged, but to each menu item unknown hackers have added their comments, often obscene. Because of the abundance of various slogans and appeals remains unclear, try to act against what crackers.

Last week Khamovniki court ruled on a scandalous case of "punk prayer service" in the Christ the Savior Cathedral. Three participants Pussy Riot have been sentenced to two years in penal colony for hooliganism. Sentence as its predecessor trial aroused wide public attention and many protests, both in Russia and abroad.

Russian cosmonauts Gennady Padalka and Yuri Malenchenko spent almost six hours in space and returned safely to the International Space Station

 Russian cosmonauts Gennady Padalka and Yuri Malenchenko spent almost six hours in space and returned safely to the International Space Station, according to the Mission Control Center. Spacewalk began an hour after the scheduled time due to problems with integrity hatches.

Exit astronauts into space, in accordance with the flight program started at 19:38 GMT. Padalka and Malenchenko transferred derrick crane GStM-2 with the docking module (SO-1) "Pirs" module on "Dawn." Astronauts launched Sputnik "Sphere" and installed on the operating section of small diameter (DR-1) service module "Zvezda" additional panels for protection from meteorites. Russians also dismantled the container "Biorisk-MSN", which contains samples of materials for medical and biological experiments on the effects of cosmic radiation. Was installed a small platform, which hosts several containers with microorganisms and mushroom spores - is to find out what effect they have on the materials of construction for space technology. Sample container, dismantled by the astronauts will be sent to scientists on Earth. Padalka and Malenchenko also installed struts remote workstation on the docking bay "Pierce."

Hatch station was closed at 01:28, Russian cosmonauts spent in space 5 hours 50 minutes. Apart Padalka and Malenchenko on the ISS are now NASA astronauts Joseph Aqaba and Sanita Williams, representative of the Japanese space agency Akihiko Hoshide and another Roscosmos cosmonaut Sergei Revin. EVA was for ISS second this year. The first output of the Russian program in February, it carried cosmonauts Anton Shkaplerov and Oleg Kononenko.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Declared three days of mourning after the terrorist attack in Ingushetia, which killed eight people

Declared three days of mourning after the terrorist attack in Ingushetia, which killed eight peopleThe South and the North Caucasus / Incidents
Magas. August 20. Interfax-South - By order of the head of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov in connection with the attack in the village Sagopshi that claimed the lives of eight people in the republic declared three days of mourning, the agency "Interfax-South", the press service of the head of Ingushetia.
"In connection with the tragedy Yunus-Bek Yevkurov ordered throughout the country to strengthen the security measures were lifted on 22 August, all leisure activities," - said the spokesman.
According to him, the head of the republic on the eve of the day in the auditorium of the Malgobek district administration held an emergency meeting of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee.
"Based on the information we have, the night an armed attack on the district, who died of his wounds in hospital, it was specifically planned so as to arrange the funeral of a terrorist attack. Committed it, according to preliminary information a suicide bomber. This monstrous trick militants showed that even a Muslim shrine - Eid - they trampled. Bandits once again shown that they do not have anything sacred. fact that they made it blasphemous "- said at a meeting of Yunus-Bek Yevkurov.
He said that from the national budget to relatives of victims assisted in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, in addition to 50 thousand rubles are allocated to the victims. There will also be compensation from the Russian Interior Ministry.
The head of Ingushetia instructed to provide all necessary medical assistance to those who suffered in the attack, and to quickly resolve the issue of admission of seriously wounded in the leading hospitals of the country.
Then the head of the region, accompanied by the Mufti Issa Hajji Khamkhoyev visited rural areas and Upper Achaluki Sagopshi Malgobek district to funerals of police officers.
Yunus-Bek Yevkurov expressed his condolences to the relatives of the victims, noting the readiness to give them full support. During the conversation with family and friends, he said that the organizers are already known to the terrorist act.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The American took video of contested wife, sending the car into the truck

The American took video of contested wife, sending the car into the truck If you're driving, and in front of you moves towed truck headlights directed right at you, and there is a sleeping passenger sitting next to you on the front seat, you can arrange a surprise for him, waking him up at the very moment, when you are as close as possible close to the truck. The effect would be impressive, writes the edition CarsCoop. The user of the Youtube published on the page of the movie, which has already collected more than 30 thousand views. In the comments, he wrote: «On the way to the airport to pick up my wife's parents, I saw towed truck and sped up so that it looked like he was coming at us. The reaction of the sleeping wife was awesome».

Foreigners laugh at the movie, in which the machines Lada during the movement of falling off the hood.

Foreigners laugh at the movie, in which the machines Lada during the movement of falling off the hood. Cars Volga automobile plant once again became a cause for ridicule on the part of foreign automotive journalists. On the site Carscoop published a video under sarcastic headline «you Never know what Lada throw at you.»

The video, taken by journalists with Internet service Youtube, can be seen while driving on the highway M-2 Krym with Lada 2111 a gust of wind suddenly gets the hood. Part gets into riding behind the car, where the DVR and was recording of the incident. According to the record, as a result of incident nobody has suffered.

Journalists of editions note, the video clearly proves that it is not worth the effort inventing new jokes about Lada cars. Cars of this brand is always ready to provide any material just existing and moving on the roads.

In comments to a video on Youtube said that the incident took place on June 12 on the track M2 «Crimea», the 42-kilometer in the side of Moscow.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Russian extremals crossed the Bering Strait to the jet-

Russian extremals crossed the Bering Strait to the jet-

Russian athletes for the first time crossed the Bering Strait on water motorcycles, breaking the 500 miles between Providence Bay in the Chukotka region and the village of Wales, Alaska.
"A team of adventurers Surgut travel club" Andrew ", composed of five persons started on jet skis from the Bay of Providence and 29 July have successfully reached the village of Wells, which was the first trip of this kind, carried out by Russians" - said the representative of the Government of Chukotka.
According to him, crossing the Bering Strait was organized by Russia Discovery and Chukotka Discovery, travel community, "Andrew" with the participation of nonprofit educational organizations in the U.S. "We go to the North."
"On the way athletes have made a few stops to rest. Help with specification of routing and support for the road had a family of marine hunters Eyneucheyvun" - added the official. He also said that athletes are now resting in Wales, where the locals are very welcoming travelers met by arranging for them to performances by folk groups. August 1, they plan to go on a return trip to Chukotka.
"It is assumed that under favorable weather conditions, the athletes will arrive in Providence Bay on August 2 in the evening or the morning of August 3," - said the representative of the Government District.
Surgut travel community, "Andrew" was founded in 2007 to promote adventure tourism. During the existence of a number of athletes committed to the jet-travel. The first organized runs started from nearby towns - Nizhnevartovsk and Khanty-Mansiysk. Thrill traveled from Novosibirsk to Surgut on the river Ob (a distance of about 1700 kilometers). In 2010 gidrotsiklisty passed on Yenisey channel, and last year crossed Lake Baikal.

Sales of "AvtoVAZ" continue to plummet

Sales of "AvtoVAZ" continue to plummet

During the period from January to July 2012, "AvtoVAZ" sold on the Russian market 297,825 cars Lada. For comparison, during the same period last year, has been sold 342,058 cars. In July 2012, "AvtoVAZ" implemented in the Russian automotive market, 47 093 car Lada (July 2011 - 50 518 cars).

Sales of Lada cars in Russia by the families for July 2012 were as follows:
• Kalina - 11 143 pcs.
• Priora - 10 722 pcs.;
• Granta - 9273 pc.
• Samara - 7771 pc.
4x4 - 4172 pc.
2104/2107 - 2754 pc.
• Largus - 1258 pcs.

Pay-TV operators have invented a new promotional product

Pay-TV operators have invented a new promotional product
"Tricolor TV" started selling advertisers the time it takes to switch between channels.
Russia's largest pay-TV operator, "National Satellite Company (" operates under the brand "Tricolor TV") and the advertising agency "Agency 2" brought to market an advertising product that allows the broadcaster to become a promotional vehicle to sell advertising, and without the help of channels. A-Zapper (located behind insertion) allows to show the viewer to brief (lasting 2-3 seconds) commercials when he was with the remote control switches channels. This includes the ability to do these pauses longer.
According to TNS, the average Russian viewers in cities with populations over 100,000 people makes switching between the channels of 24.5 per day. Given these statistics, the number of switches between the channels 'Tricolor' can be up to 655 million per day, calculated the CEO "Agency 2" Ilya Skvortsov.
General Manager of "Tricolor TV" Andrey Makarov said that the idea of ​​A-Zapper was borrowed from the various concepts of Internet advertising. While such a "Console" Advertising is one of the cheapest on the market, 1,000 contacts in its format, the customer cost just £ 0.05., But in the future, the price tag will rise, no doubt Skvortsov. Already, the "Tricolor" and "Aga" ntstva 2 "is a promotional contract with mobile operator Tele2, Autogas«, Chery, a manufacturer of water filters, "Aquaphor", etc.
In addition to A-Zapper «Agency 2" traditional TV advertising will be placed on the channels 'Tricolor'.
10 million subscribers served by "Tricolor TV" at the end of I quarter 2012, according to its own data. Of these, 7.8 million were signed for paid packages.
Custom advertising project with the "Agency 2" - not a single step "Tricolor", designed to improve the profitability of television subscribers (ARPU). On April 1, 2012 "Tricolor TV" started broadcasting HD-channels in test mode. By the end of the year, he plans to connect to High definition image of 1.2 million users, and two years later they may already be 7 million, with most of these will be new subscribers, previously predicted Makarov. In 2012 the average revenue per user (this figure "Tricolor" expects, taking into account not only the monthly fee, and advertising revenues) should increase from last year's 629 to 880 rubles. a year, and in 2013 - to 1200 rubles. a year, said Makarov. By the end of 2012 "Tricolor" is planning to cash in on advertising 0.8 billion rubles., And by 2017 - 2.6 billion rubles.

Classmates have given to children in the "panic button"

Classmates have given to children in the "panic button"
image001Classmates Social Network has launched a service which the company calls a unique social network - a children's "panic button".Each user of classmates at the age of 13 years in obtaining a personal message can complain to the desk by clicking on a special "panic button". This button will be located in their own ways in the form of the word "complaint". If you click it a message sent to the child will automatically go to the help desk. If the message was of a harmful nature of the child, then the user who sent it will be checked for the presence of such lists and blocked if necessary."Classmates Today - one of the cleanest of social networks. In many ways, this effect could be achieved through tools of social moderation, which failed to introduce anyone else on the market. But we are ready to continue to work on cleanliness, as we understand that we have so many children under 12 years old who like to play social games and communicate with each other. We want to reach that parents continue to not worry that children might stumble into a Friendster malicious content, "- said Ilya Shirokov, vice president of Mail.Ru Group, Head of Business Unit Social Networks.Especially for the protection of children in Friendster is impossible to search for user profiles under the age of 18 years, and also operates an automatic "censor," which prohibits the search of tens of thousands of words. In the state of classmates have special moderators who are pro-active efforts to find and delete accounts, groups, messages, photos offensive. Search of the content is either automatically or manually.

Ministry of Health has frozen funding for a number of Russian regions

Ministry of Health has frozen funding for a number of Russian regionsToday, Ministry of Health has frozen funding for a number of regions RossiiTakim way the head of the Federal Office Veronika Skvortsova decided to punish those who are inefficient spending federal funds. For the development of medicine in some regions of the country made it very little. The head of the Ministry of Health withdrew "penal battalions" month to remedy the situation by threatening that, otherwise, the money to modernize the health care they do not get it.On-site inspections by representatives of the Ministry of Health, headed by Veronika Skvortsova have started this week. In the management of federal agency missions will fly in August and most of September.
The audit involved five committees, comprising members of all major departments of ministries and federal agencies specialized professionals.On termination of funding a number of Russian regions Skvortsov said during his working trip to Pyatigorsk. "We froze the cash infusion, where the development of federal funds rates are lower than the national average - said the head of the Ministry of Health. - Lagging regions have the opportunity to redeem themselves before September 1. If the positive trends will not, we will redistribute the money to insiders between the regions with high degree of efficiency. "Among coped with the task of the RF subjects Skvortsov called Stavropol Territory and Karachaevo-Cherkessia. Auditors have "any questions" to a number of North Caucasian republics, but to call them the head of the Ministry of Health did not.