Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Соединенные Штаты Америки – это мыльный пузырь, который вот-вот лопнет.

Соединенные Штаты Америки – это мыльный пузырь, который вот-вот лопнет, и обрызгает всех, кто будет стоять рядом.
Это вроде бы голословное заявление на самом деле не лишено смысла. Давайте попробуем с вами разобраться, что к чему. Давно неоспоримый факт, что внешний долг США огромен, а доллар - ничем не подкрепленная бумага. Но, в то же время, правительство умело лавирует в мировой экономике, и Америка остается одной из самых богатых стран мира. А давайте заглянем вовнутрь страны. Там картина еще прекраснее. У среднестатистический американца мы увидим шикарный дом, возможно даже с бассейном, или прекрасная квартира в городе, машина практически у каждого члена семьи, отличная работа или даже свой успешный бизнес. Американская мечта сбылась. Но давайте капнем глубже. Американцу никогда в голову не придет самостоятельно починить сантехнику, электрику, подстричь газон, почистить бассейн и не потому, что он не может этого сделать, а потому что у них так не принято. Американцу никогда  в голову не придет купить дорогую машину, заплатив всю стоимость автомобиля целиком. Все дорогостоящие вещи покупаются в кредит. Приобрести недвижимость в собственность для  среднестатистического американца не выгодно. Гораздо выгоднее взять дом/квартиру в аренду. К чему я это все виду? А к тому что, у успешного американца на самом деле нет ничего, совсем ничего, ВООБЩЕ НИЧЕГО! Дом  в аренде, машина в кредите, бизнес в кредите с привлечением сторонних инвестиций. Американец вовлечен в какую-то постоянно движущуюся машину, в которой если вдруг что-то остановиться, то среднестатистический успешный американец становиться не платежеспособным.  И все накатывается как снежный ком. Капец! Потому что ему становиться негде жить, а все материальные ценности, в том числе и бизнес мгновенно у него изымаются. Казалось бы, конец, но тут у американца появляется второй шанс. Он объявляет себя банкротом, государство у него списывает долги, и американец снова набирает кредитов, снова дом, машина, работа, успешная жизнь, мечта американца вновь сбылась. Позвольте,  куда же делся долг,  и кто за него заплатил?  Да никто! Государство способно напечатать себе еще долларов, примерно как в том фильме: «Да бери все, я себе еще нарисую!» И так американец может поступить за всю свою жизнь несколько раз! Да-да, я сам был удивлен, когда это услышал. Так что же это значит? Это значит что экономика США – это одна огромная финансовая пирамида, которая рано или поздно развалится по всем законам. И поступить по-другому по отношению к американцам правительство уже не может, потому что недовольство простых работяг уже назревает, грядет развал не только экономики, но целостности всего государства.  Элита Америки  видит единственный способ, чтобы предотвратить развал страны, это развязать третью мировую войну на другом континенте. С этой целью и стравливается Европа и Россия, с этой целью уже идет война на Украине. Правители европейских государств опомнитесь! В противостоянии Европы и России не будет победителей, единственное государство, которое буде ехидно потирать ручки – это правительство США. Россия не враг Европе, она не враг Украине, не смотря на пропаганду, что Россия – враг №1. Регулярные украинские воины, которые воюют на востоке Украины якобы  против врага №1, попав в окружение ополченцев, чтобы спасти свои жизни бегут на территорию !!!!!!  врага №1. Как так? Да потому что нет врага, его не существует, он выдуман, это политика руководящей элиты США. Сами украинские регулярные войска знают, попав на территорию России, они гарантированно, ГАРАНТИРОВАННО! останутся в живых, при условии, когда не будет прямой агрессии против жителей России. К сожалению, те люди, которые сейчас руководят Украиной,  выбрали свой курс, и он печален, отвратителен и пагубен для самих же украинцев. Политика США со времен второй мировой войны – это политика вранья! Причины, по которой сбросили две атомные бомбы на Японию – ВРАНЬЕ! Афганистан, Ирак, Иран, Сирия – ВРАНЬЕ, ВРАНЬЕ, ВРАНЬЕ, ВРАНЬЕ. Высадка американского астронавта на Луну – ВРАНЬЕ. А вы что так удивились? И впрямь думаете, что они там были? Наивные. События на Украине – ВРАНЬЕ. Сбитый малазийский Боинг – ВРАНЬЕ! Для осуществления своих целей правительство США умело использует провокации. Достоверно известный факт, что о событиях 11 сентября ЦРУ знало заранее. Еще не доказанный факт, но информация есть, что ЦРУ сами же и организовали эту провокацию. А теперь ответьте вы, простые американцы, на один вопрос и сами же и ужаснитесь. Способно ли правительство США во главе с правящей элитой выпустить по территории Америки ракеты с ядерным боезарядом с подводной лодки, чтобы обвинить Россию в развязывании третьей мировой и настроить весь мир против России? Ответили? УЖАСНУЛИСЬ? Вот ваша правда! Ответ очевиден – способно!
Какое еще государство способно так поступить против своего народа? На сегодняшний день только США и Украина, потому что Украиной сегодня на самом деле руководят американцы. Но почему США так до сих пор и не воюет с Россией? Вы думаете, элиту США волнует население планеты? Нет, единственное, за что они переживают, что нет 100% гарантий, что после ответного удара России элита США будет в безопасности, а все материальные ценности останутся при них. Иначе бы уже удар был нанесен, и плевать, что половина простых американцев будет погребена под руинами, главное цель достигнута, Россия обезврежена и ослаблена. Допустим, все-таки такое произошло, в чем я глубоко сомневаюсь, но допустим, стратегическое вооружение России обезврежено, она уже  не представляет опасности, но Россия не покорена. Вы думаете, США буде вводить свои войска на территорию России для открытого противостояния? Нет. Для этого существуют войска НАТО из числа европейцев. Почему? Объясняю. Предположим, стоит взвод русских десантников, и наступает рота или батальон американских войск. Русским предложено сдаться, отступать команды не поступало. Действия десантников? Ответ очевиден, очевиден для меня, для вас, для всего мирового сообщества и для самих американцев. Русские десантники будут стоять насмерть,  и не факт что они будут повержены, вполне вероятно, что своими профессиональными действиями они способны нанести непоправимый урон противнику, значительно превышающий в численности и технике. Этим всегда славился русский воин, побеждать противника, превосходящего в численности и вооружении. А теперь ответная сторона луны. Идет рота десантников, на пути ей встречается взвод войск НАТО. Натовскому  подразделению предложено сдаться. С какой вероятностью они сдадутся? А какой смысл им 100% умирать, может лучше  гарантированно остаться в живых и вернуться к своим родным? Ведь русские пленных не убивают, это факт! Открытое противостоянии с Россией губительно для той страны, которая вторгнется на территорию России, рано или поздно это государство прекратит свое существование в том виде, в котором находилось до начало боевых действий.  Стратегия США – это бомбежки мирного населения и стравливание других стран или национальностей между собой. Ничего более! Обращаюсь еще раз! Правители европейских государств – опомнитесь! Россия вам не враг, а друг, она никому не враг, даже самой Америке.  Простые американцы после развала США побегут, в том числе и в Россию, и россияне их спокойно примут и никакой ненависти к ним испытывать не будут.
Русский менталитет  подобен христианству – помоги ближнему своему! Именно поэтому, русскую душу, как и христианство не истребить, несмотря ни на какие происки врагов.
На сегодняшний день всем мировым сообществам необходимо максимально избавиться от зависимости США, чтобы,  когда мыльный пузырь лопнет, много лет потом не вытираться от американских брызг.  

И напоследок – фантики в виде долларов с собой к богу не возьмешь, а вот душу свою спасти пока еще можно!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Overworked . Who was the main instigator of Ukrainian drama?

Overworked . Who was the main instigator of Ukrainian drama?
   05/07/2014 00:08
Catherine M irnaya

The U.S. State Department expressed " sympathy " in connection with the tragic death of dozens of people in Odessa. Adding that " senseless anarchy and violence are unacceptable ," - say, the international community should unite in support of the Ukrainian people ... But can we consider such statements sincere ? Is it not the Americans themselves had a hand in the outbreak , in fact, the civil war in the Ukraine ?

Washington does not interfere in the events in Ukraine - this repeatedly said U.S. officials . But now it turns out : the White House is not just yanking - from the outset he actually manages these events.

Russia's envoy to the UN , Vitaly Churkin, said recently at a meeting of the UN Security Council : "The West , and especially the United States , having an unprecedented impact on Kiev was unable - or unwilling - to convince him to fulfill its obligations. Instead of honest work together U.S. and the EU spread malicious innuendo , intrigues against Russia and invent pointless and counterproductive sanctions. "

The first bell rang in 2004 , during the "orange revolution" in Kiev. But if Washington does not get it right. Reached the climax of their plan this winter, during Maidan . When the U.S. Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland front of the cameras distributed biscuits protesters Ukrainians happy as children overseas support. Ideological inspirers Maidan - Yatsenyuk Klitschko Tyahnibok - felt a powerful arm of the White House . The European Union also cheered hoping the sly to defend their interests . That is, all participants thought intrigue " on another hump to enter into paradise ."

But here in the media surfaced wiretapping telephone conversation B. Nuland, U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine John Payette . Also obscene remarks about the "partners" of the EU and cynical discussion leaders of the revolution of this conversation all know who actually obey evromaydana activists .

Then information began to appear , who are fighters Yarosh of "right sector ", which have been trained ... "We need to stop the Americans intervened in Ukraine. Indeed, Americans control ... " Right sector" since many years engaged in the financing of militants , training them in Poland, the Baltic States for American money . American instructors were doing , "- said Sergey Glazyev , Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation . Incidentally, the SS fighters still train with foreign instructors . At least at the landfill 79th separate airmobile brigade (Nikolaev ) in March - April classes were in full swing : SS soldiers practiced by the U.S. Army Field Manual FM 3-05.201 (« Unconventional fighting special forces ") fighting in urban conditions.

In late February, it might seem that the U.S. plan for the separation of Ukraine from Russia load. But then rebelled Crimea . And after " sailed " to the Russian peninsula rose against the Kiev authorities southeast of the country . Luck States finally stop pretending that they have no relation to what is happening . In Kiev flew high guests (or hosts ?) Overseas : CIA chief John Brennan, U.S. Vice President Biden . Washington despair began to impose sanctions against Russian officials . By the way, revealing that it is America that first announces sanctions lists . EU , Canada, Japan only " pick up the baton ."

" Sami start trouble , but want to solve it with our hands ... These pies on Independence - that they paved the road to the crisis ... The situation is serious, and you need to look serious approaches to its solution . I repeat once again : nothing good in these sanctions is not, they harm - told reporters after the announcement of the next portion of the sanctions Vladimir Putin . At the same time the president said he thinks about the U.S. role in this story : "What is happening now shows us who actually supervised the beginning. But the first steps the United States preferred to keep a low profile , to a certain extent the interests of the U.S. and its European partners coincide , since the European Union represented by the European Commission wanted to make known the agreement with Ukraine on unfavorable , I believe conditions for Ukraine.

Patrick Buchanan :
Do not quarrel with Putin !
 The former government tried to deal with this , to resist. But as you know , the Western community has realized another scenario , power - unconstitutional coup , armed seizure of power - apparently not proschityvaya where it can actually lead . And what is now the United States came to the forefront in the resolution of the crisis , said that they were originally headed and this process ... "
Incidentally , shortly after this statement U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry spoke about the fact that the members of NATO , they say, should increase military spending in relation to the situation in Ukraine and Russian efforts to change the " security landscape in Central and Eastern Europe." Looks like Putin got to the point , pointing to the main instigator of the Ukrainian drama.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The network has a petition to the UN to recognize the " right sector " terrorists

The network has a petition to the UN to recognize the " right sector " terrorists

07/05/2014 14:15

May 3 online started collecting signatures for a petition to the UN Security Council to recognize the Ukrainian " Right sector" terrorist organization - such as " Al-Qaeda " . Collecting signatures is happening on the internet site of Avaaz.
New names on the petition appear almost every 5-10 minutes , 4 days already collected about 57,000 signatures. It is noteworthy that these people - not only from Russia and Ukraine , but also from many other countries .
Action initiators write: " It is urgent to stop the spread of fascism over the world ! They threatened death to all , every one of us ! " and call collect 27 million votes.
You can sign the petition HERE.
International global network organization Avaaz (" voice " ) publishes petitions in several European , Middle Eastern and Asian languages. This online platform in Russia is largely unknown , although it is well known in many other countries.
It was created in 2007 to organize citizens of all countries of the world , bridging the gap between the world in which we live and the world in which we would like the majority of people live . This platform gives you the opportunity to millions of different people to participate in the resolution of global, regional and national issues noted on the site Avaaz.
In Russia against the leader of Ukrainian "right sector " Dmitry Yarosha criminal case on the grounds of crime under the articles of the Criminal Code " public calls for terrorist and extremist activities conducted through the media ."
Yarosh fighters repeatedly participated in punitive operations against Ukrainian citizens who disagree with the policies of the new Kiev authorities . Eve it was reported that Kiev forms of fighters "right sector " so-called death squads .

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Lavrov : what happened in Odessa - pure fascism live

Lavrov : what happened in Odessa - pure fascism live

Lavrov described the tragedy in Odessa "pure fascism"

Many years in Europe close their eyes to the revival of the ideology of fascism , and the tragedy in Odessa - a manifestation of fascism alive , said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Wednesday .

"For many years in Europe has turned a blind eye to how this ideology ( fascism ) finds new supporters , as it guides all recruit new followers , organize marches in honor of former SS members , criminals recognized by the Nuremberg Tribunal . But what is happening now , it is not just marches with slogans glorifying the Nazi war criminals - this is a manifestation of fascism live. What happened in Odessa second of May - it's pure fascism " - Lavrov said at a wreath-laying ceremony on the occasion of Victory Day.

Dozens of activists " antimaydana " died in a fire in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, which set fire to the radical extremists "right sector" and their supporters during clashes on May 2. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine , 42 people died and 214 were injured. The prosecutor's office reported 46 dead and the Odessa Regional Council deputy Vadim Savenko said that Kiev authorities conceal the true details of the dead activists " antimaydana " in the House of Trade Unions : he reportedly killed 116 people . As previously reported, another 48 people unaccounted for .

Marsh Sloviansk . Are its east to Kiev on May 9 " third world "?

Marsh Sloviansk . Are its east to Kiev on May 9 " third world "?
   04/29/2014 11:50
Anna Ulyanov newspaper article : Weekly newspaper " Arguments and Facts " № 18 04.30.2014

In the Ukrainian media attack on its own citizens explain striking : "Kiev protects bewildered east from Russian aggression, occupation , subdue the mind and will of Donbass" . What is the situation actually figured out on the spot correspondent "AIF" .

In the Donetsk region Slovyansk live only 120 thousand people. But it was he - location number 1 in world news . All because his example, the new Ukrainian government has decided to deal with significant protests in the south- east of the country .

The logic is clear and this is even more shocking . In rebellious Donetsk - almost a million citizens in Lugansk - 500 thousand , much easier to " hurt a little " afraid to large ... In Ukrainian media attack on its own citizens explain striking : "Kiev protects bewildered east of aggression Russian invaders (!) subjugate the mind and will of Donbass " . What is the situation actually figured out on the spot correspondent "AIF" .

Veterans - "terrorists" ?

"With the Nazis somehow coped well and do not give up now - excitedly tells me Leonid Vasil'chuk, chairman of the Board of Veterans Sloviansk . - Understand what particular sacrilege ? The fact that many of our veterans sprinkled their blood Donbass , protecting it from the Nazis . And now , on the eve of May 9 , shooting at us ! Comes to humiliation . Veterans pensions delay , threaten to disable light and water . This heroes feat which no country would be enslaved fascism ! "

Veterans have to fight again ? Photo : Reuters / Gleb Garanich
Although Slovyansk curfew , its inhabitants are desperately trying to live a normal life . Everywhere smells like lilacs and dumplings . Children laughing , kissing couple , barricades local motorists have learned to skillfully go around ... It seems that all spring- optimistic yet ... While I was not familiar with the two Helen. Both husbands were killed in the crossfire , whom and with whom - to the end is not clear . It is clear that both orphans three children ...

"My husband, Sergei Rudenko did not have to do with politics , was a school bus driver , - says Elena first , the widow of the Slavic . - On Easter night heard that Bylbasovka , at the checkpoint , our teenagers are , and they throw a professional military . Well guys and ran to defend. He had no weapon , he did not attack anyone . Murdered ... "Elena from Mariupol , when I tried to ask how her husband died , Andrew Guzhva , screamed that nothing will not comment on the journalists who have " no tell them that and call her husband or a fascist occupier . " " You are not angry - took me aside girlfriend Helena. - Just Andrew suffered for nothing. Ran into the street when the sky planes roared , then he is bullet - liver and torn ... "

" The guys - retired officers acting policemen - began to meet and discuss the events in Kiev - tells readers " AIF " Vyacheslav Ponomarev , People's Mayor Sloviansk . - Decided that the fascist thugs and not be limited to the capital needed to do something to counter the " maydanizatsii ." We were joined by police beaten and berated from Kiev, we have developed a plan mirror Maidan . Teamed up with other cities of Donetsk region - and away we go . We were constantly officers come from all over Ukraine , we helped with the storming of the Interior Ministry building in Kramatorsk ( the other day, by the way, on the decision of the People's Republic of Donetsk all local "defensive formation " were subordinate Slavic . - Ed.) . What to do? We will not allow a handful of oligarchs from Kiev enjoyed our living conditions in their native land . We want to observe and respect the rights of the East, fair federalization legalization Russian language. We did not ask to Russia , as it continuously writes the Ukrainian media . We love and respect the Russian people , but we want to try to live and pozarabatyvat own. "

" We are not poor relatives"

"We are talking in Russian and dream to establish a relationship with you , Russians , including production - explains Igor Tishchenko, Kramatorsk businessman . - After all , after we quarreled , most businesses do not operate in the region almost - most orders were from Russia . But to join Russia in the south- east of Ukraine , according to the polls , vote no more than 40 % of the population . We do not aspire to be " poor relatives ", and want to be respected friends and good neighbors , partners with Russia . To " Maidan coup" because we have not stood idle production : Slavic and heavy engineering plant in full working and " Betonmash " and Slavic mechanical and Novokramatorsk Machine ... If will work normally , we have much to be friends with Russia . Tired of being called Donbass subsidized , although we work hard and west, and center ! Just our most profitable enterprises registered in Kiev , that all taxes and go there . "

" The standard of living in the country after the " triumph evromaydana "in Ukraine has fallen sharply : the dollar soared almost 2 times , petrol price increased by 40 % , about the harvest this year , apparently , you can forget - commented for " AIF " Tihipko , Ph.D. Ukrainian presidential . - Gone from pharmacies drugs, and then there were twice as expensive ! Well, the last hit of the new government - they abolish social workers, those who helped to solve the problems of the most vulnerable categories of citizens ! East also pushed into a financial abyss . What remains of people as not to protest ? The government is furious - and they tighten the troops here . "

"Our goal - not a strong connection to the neighbor , and disconnect from the " pivot milker " - explained the " AIF " Pushilin Denis , head of the interim government of People's Republic of Donetsk . - That's why May 11 , during the referendum , which we , I hope , will carry out together with the Lugansk , will be asked one question : "Do you support act on the proclamation of independence of the state DNR ? ". After the referendum, the government will choose , determine the structure of the economy and will keep their earnings in their own country . Sorry , Kharkiv has no time to join us - from the center of it threw too many " suppressors " ...

In war as in war

Lives of ordinary people in Slavyansk , Kramatorsk , Mariupol and others full of anxiety. What it is - take the child to daycare in the bushes in front of which can hide a sniper ? Or squat every evening from the buzz of dissecting sky fighters ? " Thank God, though the police have our conscience - do not shoot on his own, - says Anna Trefilenko , pensioner Gorlovki . - To us here and Kiev sent outfits , and Poltava , Kherson and out . But no one arm civilians has not risen , we also fed them ... army also fed , and it hurts to look at them . "

And of saboteurs "right sector," and spies - all this there is clearly lacking. Not enough unless the justice. "Yes, many of us are outraged that " Eastern " protests copied from Kiev, just the opposite pole . So what? Why we could protest , and they can not be ! "- Said on this score Bogdan Babic , a member of the Public Council of Kiev Maidan , head of the Institute of practical politics.

In May 1887 , Chekhov wrote about the Slavic "This city - something like Gogol Mirgorod . Burr under fences , on the dusty streets and green walk pig ladybugs and other indoor creature . " In May 2014 , instead of pigs roaming the streets people with guns ...

American journalist : The West has no regrets about the tragedy in Odessa

American journalist : The West has no regrets about the tragedy in Odessa
Clashes in Odessa / Ukraine : the chronicle of events
The creator of the blog StopNATO Rick Rosoff said that we should not expect protests and regrets from the U.S. and EU politicians in connection with the tragedy in the House of Trade Unions . According to Rosoff , Kiev authorities did as there were not even the Nazis .

MOSCOW, May 5 - RIA Novosti. The West has no regrets about the events in Odessa and will not protest against the massacre of people , and the radicals are not shy atrocities , writes in his article "The Silence of wolves Ukraine and proof of moral insanity of the West " (Silence of the Wolves: Ukraine and the Moral Stultification of the West) Rick Rosoff (Rick Rozoff) created blog StopNATO.

Rick Rosoff believes that we should not expect protests and regrets from the U.S. and EU policies in connection with the tragedy in the House of Trade Unions , and lecturing on the internet fighters video from the scene show that the radicals are not ashamed of their misdeeds .
" There will be no protests against the barbaric massacre in Odessa. < ... > None of the hundreds of members of the Senate , none of the 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives and none of MEPs will not condemn these events that resemble the actions of the Wehrmacht under Hitler during world War II or roving bands of thugs the Thirty Years War in the 17th century " - the author writes .

According to Rosoff , Kiev authorities did as there were not even the Nazis - first burned alive locked people in the building , and then told that they had a fire. Despite all attempts to Kiev regime and its sponsors in the face of the U.S. and EU to hide or distort downplay the terrible events of May 2 in Odessa, without a doubt it is obvious that more than 40 people were killed and over 200 injured after pro-government forces attacked the House of Trade Unions and burned it .

" Western leaders < ... > will shed crocodile tears and regrets ( the incident ) to both sides, and thus continue to support both morally and financially massive military campaign of his " client " Kiev regime against those who consistently called terrorists " - says the author .

Victims occurred Friday in Odessa riots , and in particular fire in the House of Trade Unions , sheltering activists " antimaydana " were more than 40 people, more than 200 injured. On Saturday the Ukrainian Interior Ministry announced the arrest of 172 people , 127 of their number were detained as active participants in the riots .

Mass anti-government protests began in the south- eastern regions of Ukraine at the end of February 2014 . They were a response to local residents on violent change of power in the country and the subsequent attempt to cancel by the Verkhovna Rada of the law granting the Russian language the status of regional . Center opposition pro-Russian citizens with the government in Kiev became the Donbass . About how the conflict evolved in southeastern Ukraine , read the chronicle of RIA Novosti.

USAF spotted Russian aircraft off the coast of California

USAF spotted Russian aircraft off the coast of California

Chapter USAF Herbert Carlisle said the increased activity of the Russian Air Force in the Asia- Pacific region , reports Reuters. According to him, the Russian planes were spotted off the coast of the U.S. state of California and the island of Guam in the Pacific Ocean .

Carlisle explained that American fighter F- 15 was forced to climb to intercept Russian " Bear " ( Tu-95 ) , which flew over Guam .

Head of the U.S. Air Force believes that Russia spends so exploration and demonstrates the power in connection with the conflict in Ukraine. " Of course , events in Ukraine and Crimea are a problem for us. But it is also a problem for us in the Asia-Pacific region and in Europe ," - said Carlisle.

He added that the sharply increased activity of the Russian Air Force off the coast of Korea and Japan.

" Public statements about the alleged General Carlisle grown Activity flights of Russian long-range aviation " in connection with the events in Ukraine " was summoned to the Russian Defense Ministry surprise " - said RBC senior defense officials .

" First, the United States of America through the Bering Strait actually border with the Russian Federation . Therefore regarded the Russian Air Force aircraft flights over neutral waters of the Pacific Ocean as some kind of" call " the U.S. is at least strange . Especially since the intensity of flights American reconnaissance aircraft near the eastern borders of Russia has never declined since the end of the Cold War , "- said the representative of the Ministry of Defense .

" Secondly , linking scheduled flights by Russian military aircraft in the eastern Pacific Ocean to the events in Ukraine can only be due to poor knowledge of geography . Least because these areas are located in different hemispheres of the earth. This , apparently , of the discharge , as they say in Ukraine itself : " Apples and uncle in Kiev " , - he added.

" And , finally, enough to bring down the blame on others ... If themselves climbed up to his ears in the crisis in Ukraine , then look for those responsible for what is happening there now, among others - is useless. Any international security problems can be solved only dialogue " , - concluded the representative of the Russian military.

Maria Bondarenko

Western media : Russia only really looking for a way out of the Ukrainian crisis

Western media : Russia only really looking for a way out of the Ukrainian crisis

07.05.2014 7:35
Author: Artem Krasulin

With the escalation of the situation in Ukraine Western media are gradually beginning to change rhetoric. Some publications have come to the conclusion that only Moscow is really trying to find a way out of the crisis through diplomacy. Kiev at this time with the help of the military continues to suppress the protests , and the Western allies are engaged only as an introduction inefficient sanctions and shift the responsibility to each other.
Whether a Angela Merkel to manage the whole of Europe ? So the question is the Canadian Centre for Research of globalization. Its experts conclude that Berlin perhaps primarily responsible for the crisis in Ukraine. Initially , the authors write articles, Germany tried to establish economic and , as a consequence, political control over Kiev . The plan failed . Now Merkel avoids responsibility and gives the first position Barack Obama. Moreover, despite the imposed sanctions against Moscow , Washington and Berlin calculated that Russia eventually solve the Ukrainian crisis .
" Support of Kiev regime that the U.S. and Germany have , could cost the Europeans very expensive - warns the Canadian Centre for Research globalization. - In one way or another it was Germany provoked a crisis in Ukraine in November - December."
This theme continues The Guardian. British journalists who had clearly not sympathetic to Moscow , apparently , can not continue to ignore the facts. Commentators are : while Russia calls for an equal dialogue between Kiev and residents of the south- eastern regions , Ukrainian military continues to " anti-terrorist operation ." It is noteworthy that this phrase author takes quotes. According to him , the main purpose of Kiev now - avoid referendums in Lugansk and Donetsk. Diplomatic solution to the conflict is clearly not conducive , so the number of victims of conflict is growing every day .
In an article entitled " Ukrainian crisis is exacerbated by the background of new conflicts and the threat of civil war " , the author of The Guardian writes: "While Russia insists that the south- eastern regions of Ukraine have full rights to participate in a dialogue with the new authorities in Kiev, Ukrainian military continues its so-called " anti-terrorist operation ." They are trying to regain control over these areas and prevent the holding of referendums in Donetsk and Lugansk. This operation has already led to casualties on both sides . "
"Odessa - the new hot spot in the Black Sea ? " - Asks the German Deutsche Welle, which continues to discuss the tragic events in Odessa. The newspaper reminds how and Sevastopol , the city historically associated with Russia . For a long time it was a large and prosperous trading port , and there is now home to a third of ethnic Russians . Despite this, the current regime is unlikely to take their opinion , in the city of Kiev - their plans. And if the authorities lose control of Odessa , it will be for them a real disaster. " For Kiev, Odessa - is now the most important port on the Black Sea. It planned to build a terminal for liquefied natural gas . Moreover, after the loss of Odessa Sevastopol should become the main base of the Ukrainian fleet " - explains the author of the publication .
Do not fully share the position of the White House , even the U.S. media . The publication emphasizes the Miami Herald : Ukrainian people must determine their own destiny without interference from other countries. And this question is not one day. " Ukrainians will need more time and suffering before they can decide on their own so what the future want to see" - the author writes an article entitled "Blood draw in Odessa portends chaos."
Journalists remind : the second day of May in the terrible tragedy in Odessa players " Chernomorets" and "Metalist" tied . Paper draws a parallel : in Ukrainian crisis will not be a winner , too .

Kiev throws under Slovyansk new subdivisions

Kiev throws under Slovyansk new subdivisions

07/05/2014 12:04
Author: Eugene Poddubnyi

In Slovyansk night again there was a fight . Ukrainian troops nightfall launched an attack on militia positions . On the outskirts of the city were heard two powerful explosions . On the eve of the information appeared that Kiev sent to the place of operation multiple rocket launchers "Grad" .
Tonight battle ensued on the outskirts Sloviansk in the area of fisheries , there is a fortified outpost of the national militia . Self-Defense Forces headquarters there was sent one airborne combat vehicle . Total available militias six such machines. The battle lasted a short time, after which there was a lull . However, in the morning on the outskirts Sloviansk again began to shoot . Skirmishes were reported near the village of Andreevka , near the height of the dominant Karachun .
At this altitude, gathered a large force Ukrainian security officials who report new Kiev authorities : there and armor, and special forces and soldiers of the National Guard , in the same set and multiple launch rocket systems "Grad" .
On the eve of a new Slovyansk were deployed units that have not previously participated in the punitive operations . In particular , the station Lozovaja were delivered to the tanks 20 and 30 armored variously modified. After unloading this column moved in the direction of Slavic and stopped somewhere in the 20 kilometers from the city .
On the eve of Ukrainian military tried to take Semenivka village , where two days ago there were bloody battles . In fact this is the closest suburb Sloviansk - to the city center for about 5 kilometers .
Now Slovyansk relatively quiet. In the center are not shooting , heard the sound of gunfire ceased and side entrances to the city . But people's self-defense fighters preparing for a possible aggravation of the situation , as the last two weeks , they do not leave their positions in case the Ukrainian troops will still direct assault on the city and reach the center of Slavic .
The city remained civilians , they could not leave Slovyansk as a humanitarian corridor was not open. Punitive operation continues without warning alert system is not here militias include civil defense siren in case of danger , and in the temple bells begin to beat alarm.
Now Slovyansk still control people's self-defense fighters . While data on the dead and wounded during the fighting last night did not arrive, but it is reported that there are injured as a result of night shooting .